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bedreigt Australië - UFDC Image Array 2
Hargrave, T.D., Pfitzer, F., & Michielsen, M. (red.). (2005). Ontwikkelingen in de contextuele therapie: de kracht van geven en nemen in relaties. Leuven ...
De beleving van familierelaties bij zelfadvocaten. - Universiteit Gent
This study focuses on an ongoing linguistic debate on the second language acquisition of word order. It offers an analysis of structures, written as well as ...
Then said Red Cap: ?Why you have so big ears...?
After an intense year of processing articles and data, conducting interviews, writing and rewriting, I am proud to present you this Master dissertation ...
Use of New Media for Emergency Communication by Nuclear ...
De omschrijving 'bewust stoppen met eten en drinken om het levenseinde te bespoedigen' heeft betrekking op het besluit dat iemand zelf neemt om ...
The Daily Telegraph
Het rapport ?Never waste a good crisis: Naar een blijvend verbeterd mentaal welbevinden bij studenten. Een.
Never waste a good crisis: - Universiteit Antwerpen
Perin EC, Willerson JT, Pepine CJ, Henry TD, Ellis SG, Zhao DX et al. Effect of transendocardial delivery of autologous bone marrow mononuclear cells on.
Cardiac Atrial Appendage Stem Cells and Paracrine Mechanisms ...
Once in the nucleus, the viral preintegration complex (PIC) mediates the integration of viral DNA into a host cell chromosome by a mechanism influenced by ...
Novel perspectives on the pathomechanism of sensitive skin
Sensitive skin evaluation in the Japanese population. The Journal of dermatology. 2013;40(3):177-81. 43. Jourdain R, de Lacharriere O ...
Expecting the unexpected - VU Research Portal
Unintended pregnancies: a global reproductive health problem. Unintended pregnancies (UPs) are pregnancies that are mistimed, unplanned or.
Natural killer cell profiling in women with recurrent pregnancy loss
Mortality in Japanese Women: A Population-Based, Prospective Cohort Study. Journal of stroke and cerebrovascular diseases: the official journal of National ...
WPA ???????? 2020-2021(????)
World Para Athletics Technical Delegate?WPA?????????????????????????????. ????????????????????WPA?????? ...