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Endoscopic management for congenital esophageal stenosis
The created tract was then dilated with a balloon or bougie dilator to facilitate passage of the stent delivery system over the wire. In ...
Endoscopic ultrasound-guided placement of AXIOS stent for ...
Esophageal dilation with either bougie or balloon technique as a treatment for eosinophilic esophagitis: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
Exposé des Divers Procédés Employés Jusquà ce Jour pour Guérir ...
Wire-guided bougie dilation or through-the- scope balloon dilation may have lower risks of adverse events than blind passage of dilators.42 Randomized ...
L'eye-tracking pour étudier le couplage perception/action lors du ...
Among endoscopic methods, bougie and balloon dilatation are the most frequently preferred techniques; however, techniques such as cortico-.
Endoscopic treatment of gastrointestinal strictures
Ces résultats suggèrent que la dilatation pneumatique peut être réalisée en première intention pour le traitement des achalasies de l'enfant de ...
Diagnosis and Management of Eosinophilic Esophagitis - Medils
The placement of an esophageal dilator during the creation of laparoscopic fundoplication is advisable as it leads to decreased postoperative dysphagia but ...
Adverse events of upper GI endoscopy - ASGE
In the LSG there is an esophageal dilator which is usually 32 Fr and is placed into the stomach. The gastrectomy is performed over this tube ...
Evaluation of efficacy of endoscopic incision method in ...
A study on such operations has shown that the times required for surgery can be significantly reduced by around 50% with the aid of diaphanoscopic localization.
La prise en charge du mégaoesophage idiopathique chez l'enfant
A No. 50 Fr. Hurst-Maloney dilator is passed through the esophageal stricture and displaced against the lesser curvature of the stomach as the stapler is ...
Bougie insertion - CORE
La concentration produisant 50% de la réponse maximale (CE50) a été estimée, le cas échéant, pour chaque courbe concentration-réponse en ...
La dilatation-curetage effectuée avec une curette tranchante sans aspiration est associée au développement d'adhérences utérines, à un risque de fausse couche, ...
étude des altérations dans l'insuffisance cardiaque - HAL Thèses
The appearance of benign anastomotic strictures after colorectal anastomoses is not rare,1 occur- ring in 3-30% of post colorectal anastomosis, accord-.