Ce document est le fruit d'un long travail approuvé par le jury de ...

... T.D.; Top, J.; Corander, J.; Willems, R.J.L et Schürch, A.C., 2018 ... Ndongo, S.; Dione, N.; Hugon, P.; Caputo, A. et al., 2016 ...

Untitled - googleapis.com
Interaction of Treponema denticola TD-4, GM-1, and MS25. 619 with ... Ndongo S, Dione N, Hugon P, et al. Culture of. 167 previously ...
Métabolisme des flavan-3-ols par le microbiote intestinal humain
Doyens honoraires : M. Jacques REYNAUD, M. Pierre TIMON-DAVID, M. Patrice VANELLE. Professeurs émérites :.
Culture du genre bactérien Treponema associé au microbiote humain
Gadd, G. M., & Dyer, T. D. (2017). Bioprotection of the built environment ... Ndongo, S., Dione, N., Hugon, P., Caputo, A., Cadoret, F.,. Traore, S. I. ...
Optimisation et développement de milieux de culture - DUMAS
RESUME. Objectif : étudier les adénopathies cervico-faciales en rapport avec la tuberculose dans notre pratique Odonto-stomatologique.
The Identification of Outliers in Wrapped Normal Data by using Ga ...
Abstract: Outlier is attached importance in statistics and engineering, because it might result in misleading identification results.
Outlier Detection in Regression Models with ARIMA Errors using ...
generated by such a statistical distribution (e.g., mean and standard deviation). ? Outliers are points that have a low probability to be generated by the.
The detection of outliers in multivariate data is an important task in Statistics ... The data might for instance be rotated, translated or rescaled (for example.
Kapitel 6: Outlier Detection Outlier Detection
We investigate the performance of robust estimates of multivariate loca tion under nonstandard data contamination models such as componentwise outliers ...
Outlier Detection Using Nonconvex Penalized Regression - Art Owen
This paper studies the outlier detection problem from the point of view of penalized regressions. Our regression model adds one mean shift parameter for each of ...
Outlier Detection Techniques - DidaWiki
generated by such a statistical distribution (e.g., mean and standard deviation). Outliers are points that have a low probability to be generated by the.
In Math What Is An Outlier
<td>Measures the spread of data around the mean. Outliers can be identified ... <h3>The Significance of Outliers</h3>. Understanding the source of ...
?tet,(td)I. G. Bohm : Der Pavilion von Porzellan (1873). ??????? 7???? 3???????????? Der Pavillon aus Porzellan. Mitten in dem kleinen ...