The effect of pCO2 on carbon acquisition and intracellular ... - EPIC

The plastid genome of mycoheterotrophic monocot Petrosavia stellaris exhibits both gene losses and multiple rearrangements. Genome. Biology and Evolution 6 ...

The Cactus and Succulent Journal
Le Cambrien et l'Ordovicien étaient une période de changements importants dans l'histoire de la vie, lorsque les embranchements animaux actuels ont émergé ...
Development of a multidimensional approach to study cutaneous ...
Mammalian blastocyst formation involves the specification of the trophectoderm followed by the differenti- ation of the inner cell mass into ...
Using in vitro, in silico and cellular experiments, we now demon- ... Montenigro, P.H., Corp, D.T., Stein, T.D., Cantu, R.C., Stern, R.A., 2015.
L'avènement du règne animal de l'intervalle cambro-ordovicien
Botaurus stellaris stellaris. - Europe (rep.) 3c. - Asie du Sud-Ouest (hiv.) 2. Botaurus stellaris capensis. - Afrique australe. 1c. CICONIIDAE.
Molecular mechanisms of Tau and TDP-43 co-pathology in ...
injury-induced disruption of Notch-Delta feedback accelerates Notch signaling speed. 215. Notch signaling accelerates during injury. 216. To ...
compte rendu de la deuxième session de la réunion des parties à l ...
... T.D. Chawana1, S.R. Walsh2, L. Stranix-Chibanda1,3,. Z.M. Chirenje1,4 ... speed and quality of referral services in Ethiopia, Project ...
Organ injury accelerates stem cell differentiation by ... - bioRxiv
Pickpocket-expressing neurons (ppk/Td+) are indicated by Td-Tomato signal in red. White arrowhead indicates presumed neuronal pri- mary ...
la recolonisation spontanee des bancs d'emprunt et essais de ...
Our study focuses on the marginal zone of the Adélie-Georges V Land, East Antarctica, a region which has been poorly studied so far, despite the ...
Étude de la variabilité des conditions océanographiques et ...
RNA splicing is pivotal in post-transcriptional gene regulation, yet the exponential expansion of intron length.
working group on elasmobranch fishes (wgef) - Archimer
ICES WGEF is responsible for providing assessments and advice on the state of the stocks of sharks, skates, and rays throughout the ICES area.
Variation multiscalaire des formes dentaires en 3D chez les ... - ISEM
This work first assesses the variation of tooth forms in two scyliorhinids by using. 3D geometric morphometrics and machine learning. The ...
08guide-4.pdf - SIDEARM Sports
standout on the football, baseball and basketball teams. He played professional football and basketball and coached a high school football team in.