This study was conducted to investigate the application of cellulase enzyme in the extraction of flavonoids from Houttuynia cordata.

Headspace SPME-GC-MS Analysis and in silico Molecular Docking ...
perles), Tribulus terrestris (Tribule terrestre), Houttuynia cordata (Poivre de Chine ou Herbe à poivre) pour le traitement d'acné légère à ...
Recherche de nouveaux inhibiteurs d'arginase, d'origine naturelle et ...
Houttuynia cordata extract upregulates filaggrin expression in an aryl hydrocarbon-dependent manner. Fukuoka Igaku Zasshi Hukuoka Acta ...
An in-silico approach to identify bioactive phytochemicals ... - bioRxiv
Houttuynia cordata or ?Plu Kaow? in Thai, a perennial herb, has been used as an edible vegetable and traditional medicine plant due to its health benefits ...
Plantes médicinales en dermatologie et en cosmétologie
Houttuynia cordata Thunb [Saururaceae]. Houttuynia cordata (Saururaceae) est largement utilisée pour traiter les maladies du. SRAS en médecine ...
THÈSE DE DOCTORAT Raphaël Coatmeur
AIM: To evaluate the effects of frying oil and Houttuynia cordata Thunb (H. cordata), a vegetable traditionally consumed in Taiwan, on the xenobiotic- ...
Caractérisations chimique et biologique des substances naturelles ...
A feeding trial was conducted to explore the effect of dietary Houttuynia cordata leaf extract (HCLE) and leaf meal (HCLM) on immunological ...
these - Cirad
Abstract ? In this study, twenty known compounds were isolated from Houttuynia cordata Thunb., including four megastigmanes (1?4), four phenolics (5, 6, 9, ...
Inhibitory Activity of PTP1B and ?-Glucosidase by Compounds from ...
bioactive components of Houttuynia cordata and related Saururaceae medicinal plants by on-line high performance liquid chromatography?diode array detector ...
Ce document est le fruit d'un long travail approuvé par le jury de ...
Houttuynia cordata Thunb., a traditional medicinal plant with a variety of pharmaceutical activities. In this study, antioxidant activities of extracts ...
Chemical constituents of essential oils from the leaves of Tithonia ...
Chemical composition and hepatoprotective effects of polyphenol-rich extract from Houttuynia cordata tea. Journal of Agriculture and Food ...
Validation of phytochemicals from Houttuynia cordata for their effect ...
Selected compounds from Houttuynia cordata have good pharmacokinetic properties and binding a nity for DPP-IV and SGLT2. However, the isolation ...
EUR Research Information Portal - Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam
Bates TD. A prospective clinical trial of postoperative radiotherapy ... Cox JD, Pajak TF, Marcial VA, et al. ASTRO plenary: interfraction interval is ...