reframing drought definitions, understanding and analysis approaches

Notwithstanding these complexities, droughts can be broadly defined as a temporary decrease of water availability in a given water system, caused by prolonged ...

Bivariate Drought Recurrence Analysis Using Tree Ring ...
High sensitivity due to changes of the parameters tc and pc, or td, reflects the fact that a large number of droughts or a few very large droughts are pooled.
Mitigating Droughts and Floods in Agriculture - OECD
Indicators are variables or parameters used to describe drought conditions. Examples include precipitation, temperature, streamflow, groundwater and reservoir ...
Handbook of Drought Indicators and Indices
Drought relates to climate change because rising average temperatures alter the Earth's water cycle, increasing the overall rate of evaporation ...
Technical Documentation: Drought
Abstract: Droughts cause severe damage in terms of both natural environments and human lives, and hydrologists and water resources.
Nonparametric Approach for Estimating Return Periods of Droughts ...
A definition of. STDF as follows: ,where to is the drought start time, td is the drought end time, and tp is the time when flooding starts. Here, a drought is ...
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