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Kick-the-habit_CH.pdf - Zoï Environment Network
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Clinical markers of functional outcomes in cognition
Pcdhgs function in primary sensory neurons for normal tactile behaviors and sensorimotor integration. To examine the role of Pcdhgs in LTMR ...
Language and executive functioning in children with ADHD
Our study used fMRI datasets and explainable IA methods to generate an interpretable classi- fier for ASD, ADHD, and TD. We have found distinct ...
The Role of the CaSR During Development of Cranial Sensory ...
Abstract. Background and aim: Patients with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) commonly expe- rience aberrant skin sensation sensitivity; ...
THESE PH REMY 270209 - Université de Tours
Sensory integration?based approaches improved outcomes related to sensory challenges. 29. (low SOE) and motor skills (low SOE), and massage improved sensory ...
Developing a Learning Environment Which Supports Children With ...
Vasopressin (AVP) plays a major role in the regulation of water and sodium homeostasis by its antidiuretic action on the kidney, ...
Efficacité et tolérance des médicaments à visée cardiovasculaire ...
Autistic children tend to have problems with sensory processing which can lead to increased sleep problems.13,14. Both studies have examined the impact a ...
Multiclass classification of Autism Spectrum Disorder, attention ...
ADH de Naveh-Benjamin ... sensory-motor consequences of past actions are integrated into memory traces.
Clinical Practice Guideline: Autism Spectrum Disorder ... - ASHLink
Outwit your boredom: Sensory strategies for living with ADHD. ... Sensory integration and processing. Dans B. A. Boyt Schell, G. Gillen, M. E. ...