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Dell? ????<Ctrl><v>. ???????? <Ctrl><z>. ????? <Ctrl><a>. ????????? ... ???????????????????????????????????. Planck intermediate results. XXII. Frequency dependence of thermal ...BE IT ENACTE-D by the King's Most Excellent l\l~jesty, zu HET BEPAALD door Ztjn l\lajesteit de Koning, de the Senate and the House of Assembly of the Umon ... Approved HOMs Minutes - Heritage Western Cape... Muizenberg, and newspapers throughout South. Africa came out in thick black borders, mourning the man who had become a symbol for British colonists? Imperial. Subcouncil 18 - City of Cape TownT Th Tnd TV Certificate No: 220620012701 Td Td Td Td. TEN TIN TIN The ... 287 Capricorn Drive, Capricorn Park, Muizenberg 7945,. N TIN ... MONDAY, 13 FEBRUARY 2023 TIME: 08:30 VIA MS TEAMSMuizenberg NID Retraction Letter for noting (SJ). 9.3. Modderdrift NID Query. 10. Discussion of the agenda. MATTERS TO BE DISCUSSED. 11. MATTERS ... A review of the South African newspaper press approaching Union.... Muizenberg: S34-A&A-Minor Works. Case No: HWC23050811MS0621. MS. 11.4 ... TD. Case No: HWC23062102CN0724. CN. 11.9 Proposed additions and ... in in n in in TV - NuWaterAlthought Td is used in the conversion of R100(353, 217) into ?mm, the uncertainty of Td has a marginal impact. Furthermore, the photometric un- certainty ... MONDAY, 13 MARCH 2023 TIME - Western Cape GovernmentThe square of the adopted relative SED for dust polarization, which is a modified blackbody spectrum with ?d = 1.59 and Td = 19.6 K, is shown as a black dashed ... MONDAY, 21ST AUGUST 2023 TIME: 08:30 VIA MICROSOFT TEASubmission date. Subject to PHRA / SAHRASE. 12894 Ert 174496 Cape Town at Muizenberg. Any unauthorised land use / building work? ? Towers Road. Planck intermediate results. XXX. The angular power spectrum of ...Land along the coast between Muizenberg and Kalk Bay was granted from early in the C19th, but largely used for agricultural purposes. As the ... HERITAGE STATEMENT: - SAHRISFor Td = 35 K, the distribution peaks at z = 2. For higher dust temperatures, the peak of the distribution is shifted towards higher ... Planck intermediate results. XXVII. High-redshift infrared galaxy ...t d isponible / additionally ava ilab le égalem en. t d isponible ... Muizenberg 7945 (Cape Town) · South Africa phone +27 (0) 21 709 0088 info ...
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