Treaty Series Recueil des Traitds

No 10988. Association internationale de d~veloppement et Niger: Contrat de cr6dit de d~veloppement - Projet relatif au crddit agricole.

Truy?n th?a Nalanda, Truy?n Nhân và Giáo Pháp
Tên. Ms. Nguy?n Hà Ng?c Trân. Mr. Nguy?n V?nh Nam. Ms. Tr??ng Th? Ng?c Thu?n. Ms. V? Th? Ng?c Ngân. Ms. Võ Th? Xuân Ph??ng. Ms. Võ Th? L? H?ng.
Chúa ? B? tát Minh V??ng Nguy?n Phúc Chu v?i công nghi?p | NNC. ??ng. Hùng Anh. 02. T? Thái T? Lý Công U?n ??n Ng? hoàng Tr?n Nhân Tông và ??n Minh.
T? ?i?n Danh T? Riêng P?li
... ???ng kính 49 lý, m?t m?t tr?i v?i 50 lý ???ng kính, T?vati?sabhavana ... xoài, h??ng tr?m và hoa s?la. Có l?n ông làm vua tr? vì kinh thành Vebh?ra (1) ...
Nh?ng Ngày Cu?i Cùng C?a ??c Ph?t Nguy?n V?n Ngân d?ch
Ch??ng Hai: Hành Trình ??n Ves?l?. 2.1.Chú gi?i v? Các S? Th?t Cao C?. 154. 2.2.Chú gi?i v? C?nh Gi?i S?p ??n ?? Giác Ng? Không. B? Gián ?o?n.
công ty tnhh shyang ying - S? Thông Tin - Truy?n thông - Bình Ph??c
thu gom n??c th?i t?p trung c?a KCN ??ng Xoài II b?ng ???ng ?ng PVC có D = 140 mm ?áp ?ng kh? n?ng tiêu thoát t?t toàn b? n??c th?i sau x? ...
This report represents the stock-taking of the lessons learned from a series of twenty OECD case studies which examined specific market ...
Machine Elements in Mechanical Design, 6e
... free-body diagram), and provide other drawings to clarify the actual ... leather, wax, felt. B. Shore B. Moderately hard rubber as used for printer rolls ...
Preferential Rules of Origin - Australian Border Force
1. This Guide deals only with origin issues related to trade arrangements that Australia has entered into which provide preferential rates of ...
Handbook of Deep Trade Agreements - World Bank Document
Under the Creative Commons Attribution license, you are free to copy, distribute, transmit, and adapt this work, including for commercial purposes, under the ...
Patternmaking is the design of a template for an article of clothing. A patternmaker designs or creates the pattern templates for different clothing designs.
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