Towards Data-Driven Sustainable Design Decision Support based ...

Green BIM is considered as the application of BIM to provide data for energy performance evaluation and sustainability assessments [8]. The ...

Building life cycle assessment - DGNB
regard to the Sustainable Building Information System database from iiSBE (available via subscription). As this is an emerging field, it is ...
Hong Kong Smart Green Building Design - HKGBC
When developed fully, the database can be integrated with a building information model to extract quantities and calculate the environmental impact of a ...
iiSBE is a global non-profit network of researchers and experts in sustainable building. The SBC08 Process: This document invites proposals to ...
Schedule extended ! - iiSBE
The transition to more environmentally sustainable buildings involves multiple stakeholders and requires the simultaneous consideration of various factors.
The review was conducted using four research databases: Scopus, Web of. Science, ScienceDirect and Compendex. The keywords used when operating ...
A Review of Residential Buildings' Sustainability Performance Using ...
Sustainable building design requires an interplay between multidisciplinary input and fulfilment of various criteria, which need to align into one ...
AI for BIM-Based Sustainable Building Design integrating ...
The dimensioning and use of spaces are the cornerstone on which all activity within a building must be developed. For this, it is important that its ...
Next Generation - Data and IOT IOT Smart Spaces - Cloud
Researchers primarily use SDG databases provided by the United Nations (UN), the World Bank Group (WBG), and the Bertelsmann. Stiftung & ...
Building a unified sustainable development goal database - PIK
Scientific contributions to BIM-sustainability integration have gained momentum in recent years due to the.
Integration, research gaps, and future directions - HAL Univ. Lorraine
Among the various environmental issues related to this sector, the reduction of CO2 emissions, minimisation of construction and demolition waste, and prevention ...
Environmentally Sustainable Buildings | OECD
Sustainable investing requires a multifaceted approach that considers the multiple stakeholders that guide investment strategies, industry direction, and the ...
TD Asset Management's Sustainable Investing Approach
A life cycle approach to the building planning, using life cycle assessment, helps building commissioners and designers to make environmentally friendly ...