Single Atoms on Demand for Cavity QED Experiments

We have shown that the radiation pressure exerted by thermal photons is a very efficient source of decoherence, although the corresponding energy damping effect ...

Quantum Physics of Light-Matter Interactions
The liquid crystal can independently change the polarizations in the |D and |A modes, thereby controlling the diagonal (TD) and antidiagonal (TA) transmissions ...
Chapter 2, Quantum aspects of light and matter - Boston University
For example, when light passes through matter it exerts forces on the charges, setting them in motion, and delivering momentum to the medium. Since this is ...
Arbitrary remote control of photon polarizations for quantum ...
In this case, Tsp = TD rather than Tsp = TK and typical turbu- lent velocity contributions to TD will put a 30?120 K floor on measurements of Tsp (see Sect.
Electromagnetic Momentum - Reed College
The chapter is divided into five sections which describe the dependence of the TD photon penetration depth on each parameter of interest, i.e., absorption ...
This inequality defines a range vD of velocities (called the velocity capture range) over which the atomic motion is most effectively damped by Doppler cooling.
New Mechanisms for Laser Cooling
Quantum Electrodynamical Time-Dependent Density. Functional Theory. Recently, the field of quantum electrodynamics (QED) has gained increas-.
Quantum Electrodynamical Time-Dependent Density Functional ...
The counterpropagating wave gets closer to resonance and exerts a stronger radiation pres- sure force than the copropagating wave which gets far- ther from ...
Manipulating atoms with photons* - Physical Review Journals
We study radiation pressure due to Ly? line photons, obtaining and exploring analytical expressions for the force-multiplier, MF(NH, ...
the cosmic fluid
The typical total power is P = 4 W. For these parameters the trap depth equals |U0| = 3 mK and the photon scattering rate is 32 photons/s. To transfer atoms ...
Photon-photon physics at the LHC and laser beam experiments ...
particles exert a pressure as well. Friedman I with p??? p+ 3P. 2. Page 2 ... photons in the tail of the thermal distribution can can still ionize.
Basics of Astrophysics
The interest is that the photon-photon interactions happen at unprecedented energies (a few TeV per nucleon pairs) where the quantum ...
27. Passage of particles through matter 1
In stars the gravitational pull is balanced by the pressure of the interior, this pressure is ... probability that a photon is absorbed or scattered is lower than ...