Son muchos los estudios biomecánicos que han analizado la estabilidad del raquis mediante la utilización de cargas y/o descargas rápidas. Los datos obtenidos ...
Estudio biomecánico del cierre de la pared abdominalSi se le añade una prótesis a la pared abdominal ya sea de profilaxis o tratamiento, las características biomecánicas pueden cambiar. Klinge et al29 observaron ... La interacción de la carga de trabajo física y mental en la ...Tal como apuntábamos anteriormente, las características físicas de la carga la asemejan más a la de algunos deportes individuales que a la de los colectivos ... Biomecánica en carga dinámica del complejo tobillo-pie en - RUCSe dividen en dos grandes grupos dependiendo del tipo de actividad en carga a la que hagan referencia: marcha y/o carrera y salto y/o aterrizaje. VOCs emission profiles from rural cooking and heatingNon-crystalline form of silicon formed using silicon vapour which is quickly cooled. N?KTERÉ CHYBY VE VÝSLOVNOSTI VYPRODUKOVANÉ ...In view of the decline in volume expenditure over a period of eigh¬ teen months up to mid-1978, there may be a sizeable backlog of consumer ... OECD Economic Surveys: Sweden 1979amplifier usin will activate long before signal. on each out muting and function that. RNING (OP open load) is ... MA6.8Q & MA4.8Q - Martin AudioThe IAEA has facilitated an extensive programme that addresses the technical development of advanced gas cooled reactor technology. Included in this programme ... Treaty Series Recueil des Traite~sMy book Democracies, published in 1984, was a com- parative study of twenty-one democracies in the period 1945-. 80. Its most important findings were (1) ... TD EconomicsFor example the - exciting procedure of teaching phonics'is a far cry from the drudgery of the original sound method. ... td.imate' :Wirers' .. Set ting ... acl**************************** - ERICThe objective of this thesis is to provide the voice conversion systems with higher quality and versatility than they have at present. As a first step, a speech ... INTRA-LINGUAL AND CROSS-LINGUAL VOICE CONVERSION ...Under Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations every treaty and every international agreement entered into by any Member of the United Nations after ... Treaty Series Recueil des TraitesHAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of sci- entific research documents, whether they are pub-.
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