This form is used for documenting property groups relating to one or several historic contexts.

Native Americans and the California Mission System MPDF
... Dancing place of the Dreamers. 158. 24. Diagram of the Dreamers' dancing place ... which they were found by Nicollet in 1634. Their history is intimately.
The North American Indian - Project Gutenberg
We have grouped southwestern Minnesota into five archaeo-cultural regions (Figure 1.3) based on archaeological data, geographical, and floristic characteristics ...
the menomini indians - Smithsonian Institution
What can they look like ? how heavy should they be? 330. 535 It is excavated ... 1926 From settlement to burial ground: transformation of a medieval site in ...
2013-Prehistoric-Village-Cultures-of-Southern ... -
mental mind shift of unlearning all the bad habits that I grew up learning. And I do think things are changing. You know, Indian dance is all over the place now ...
Any group of people who have been able to preserve even some of the beliefs and customs of their ancestors of three and a half centuries ago.
the Lakota Ghost Dance and the 1891-92 tour of Britain by Buffalo ...
The present volume comprises the proceedings of an international workshop held in Vienna,. November 2018.1 The focus was on religion and its relation to ...
The Culture and Acculturation Of The Delaware Indians
from me. An Indian was coming toward him on foot, and seeing my opportunity I called to one of my Indian friends near me and told him to inform the Indian ...
Fort Belknap Notes - Montana State University Library
Agents for the Sale of Books published by the Superintendent of. Government Printingy India, Calcutta. I n the. U nited. K ingdom . Messrs. C onstable ...
CENSUS or INDIA, 1911 - Baluchistan - Thomas Piketty
The bones with which Mr. Heckewelder saw the Indians loaded were only the remains of their chiefs; as long since the time he speaks an occurrence happened near ...
Songs and tales from the dark continent, recorded from the singing ...
Historians who have covered the dance controversy usually treat it just in passing as one of the events in John Collier's reform career before he became.
The North American Indian
The future of the black African, whether on the Dark' Continent or in the. Americas, is to-day sharply silhouetted against that red which still burns in the.
Burials of the Algonquian, Siouan and Cad -
When anyone fell, the others gathered around him in a circle, still dancing, and when he recovered his ... From what we know of the content of the Coast Salish ...