Reflections about Symbolic vs. Iconic Representations in TUIs

For music and sound managing we can found GuitarHero® [5] which enables one to play guitar by pushing buttons on a quite real looking guitar and the JabberStamp ...

Assessing the Future Competitiveness of the EU Video Games ...
This report reflects the findings of the JRC-IPTS study on the video games industry, and focuses on two specific activities: online and mobile ...
A Casual Revolution: Reinventing Video Games and Their Players
Chapter 5 examines mimetic interface games, especially Guitar. Hero, Rock Band, and games played on Nintendo Wii, to show that their success is due in part to ...
Virtual Air Guitar: From Research to Business - CORE
Virtual Air Guitar, a science museum installation that allowed air guitar gestures to produce music, started out as a university research project that ...
(8) 2 (2021) 9-27 doi: 10.5281/zenodo.5784696 GUITAR ...
Abstract. This article offers a bird's-eye view of the evolution of guitar learning and pedagogy in the XX and XXI centuries, supported, ...
Jean-Bernard Lévy - Vivendi
Hero DJ Hero Tony Hawk). Hero, DJ Hero, Tony Hawk). Significant and growing penetration of downloadable content (Guitar Hero, Call of Duty). Increased ASP on ...
SIGNATURE SERIES. James.HetFIeld.?.Metallica. . . . . . . . . . . . . .12-13. Kirk.Hammett.?.Metallica. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14-15. Dave.Mustaine.?.
Project #03 Multimodal Guitar: Performance Toolbox and Study ...
We designed and developed a toolbox for multimodal guitar performances containing the following tools: Polyphonic Pitch. Estimation (see section III-A1), ...
Computer + Video Games
There's a Megadrive, Super. NES, PC Engine and Game Boy on offer if you're lucky - Oil. Arturt Put that Christmas Club money back? WIN A CONSOLE 'COS. CVG'S ...
TD-9 - Loading a kit from a USB thumb drive - Best Buy
Remove the USB key and connect it to the computer. Download the file BACKUP1.TD9. Copy the file into the TD-9 folder located in the Roland folder on the USB ...
AXIS F41 Main Unit Installation Guide
QuickTime, UNIX, Windows, Windows Vista and. WWW are registered trademarks of ... ???????????????? [Setup - System Options -. Maintenance] ...
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