PEFC Conformity Assessment

RSPO certification criteria mandate that fire is not used in oil palm cultivation areas for preparing land, pest control, or waste management on the farm.

Expositions professionnelles aux pesticides en agriculture - Anses
Combine, in the most effective way, the use of crop varieties with integrated pesticide management (IPM) and integrated nitrogen fertilizer management (INM), ...
Trading Opportunities for Organic Food Products from Developing ...
These organic labels certify that products have various attributes, including being pesticide-free, free from genetically modified seeds, environmentally ...
Farm Management Practices to Foster Green Growth - OECD
Based on a literature review, this report analyses the effects on resource productivity and efficiency of key farm management practices with green growth ...
These standards can focus on environmental issues such as soil conservation, water protection, pesticide use, or waste management; ... and Finland is now ...
The Organic Guarantee System - Convention on Biological Diversity
Pastures, meadows and their products can be certified after 12 months of organic management. ... under the JAS System, and certified importers may attach Organic ...
LOCKED-IN PESTICIDES - foodwatch International
The path that leads to the lock-in of a technology often starts with a small historical event or a sequence of such events.
Pratiques de gestion des exploitations agricoles favorisant ... - OECD
Les stratégies de croissance verte en agriculture doivent permettre de répondre à la demande alimentaire mondiale en misant sur l'innovation et en ...
European Chemical Pesticide-Free Agriculture in 2050 Foresight ...
This document is the full report of the European Chemical Pesticide-Free Agriculture foresight study commissioned and financed by the French Priority Research ...
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