Seismic and Aseismic slip: The Japanese Subduction Zone

We therefore focused on the use of. Kampo medicines (Japanese traditional herbal medicines) in the treatment of HF patients in addition to ...

ICRP Recovery Conference Proceedings
The results of our previous study showed that YKS ameliorated not only the TD-induced reduction of glutamate uptake through GLAST but also the ...
Ce document est le fruit d'un long travail approuvé par le jury de ...
Voilà maintenant quatre années passées à l'INRA de Pierroton qui touchent à leur fin. Je suis arrivé ici en janvier 1997, lors de mon DEA, pour travailler ...
For example, drug pieces, which are not well developed in Japan, are a method of prescribing chopped crude drugs in a customized formulation for ...
Cinétique de PSA après radiothérapie
The prostate specific antigen (PSA) is the best marker of the pros- tate cancer today although not very specific of this pathology. The dynamic interpretation ...
Conversational Japanese for beginners
especially in compound words, td pass from, say, ta to da and sometimes back- wards from da to ta. Thus we have to-dana from to and tana ; naru-take from.
irsn - thèse
CO-DIRECTRICES DE THÈSE. Florence Pannier, Professeur/Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour. Isabelle Le Hécho, Maître de conférence/Université de Pau et ...
How to speak Japanese correctly : Seisoku Nihon-go-gaku
and words of the current Japanese language wilh practical examples. And also ... Tsumara-na-z (-/^/)= worthless. I. Niku-rashi-z {-ki') -hateful. I. Baka ...
AN-604 Using the ADXL202 Duty Cycle Output Application Note ...
Changes to three buffer registers TGRD_3, TGRC_4, and TGRD_4 are used to increment or decrement the values of PWM duty cycle. When the duty ...
FAN6756 ? mWSaver? PWM Controller - RS Components
In the example below, four PWM signals with two different time-bases are generated. Timer D generates two phase-shifted 100 kHz with 25% duty ...
ILD6150 - 60 V / 1.5 A High Efficiency Step-Down LED Driver - Micros
The Pulse-Width Modulation (PWM) is a modulation technique that conforms the width of the pulse based on modulator signal. It allows the control of the ...
Section 60. Capture/Compare/PWM Modules (CCP and ECCP)
The minor loop constrains the duty ratio of the PWM signal to be proportional to the input modulation voltage over the full bandwidth of the ...
AN4539 Application note - HRTIM cookbook - STMicroelectronics
In this exercise you will extend the PWM state machine from the previous exercise to include a blank- ing time, td, between the switching transitions. You will ...