Multi-country Outbreak of Diphtheria WHO African Region Health ...

A total of 32 African countries benefited from training and other events organized on selected insurance issues in 2003. In addition, some ...

United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
This paper bridges this gap by analyzing the effect of external debt in African countries, taking into account 45 African countries over the 1990-2017 period.
The external debt burden and economic growth in Africa: a panel ...
In Africa especially?where 34 of the 50 least developed countries (LDCs) are located?the changes also reflect a shift of interest away from unilateral ...
CENSUS ACROSS AFRICA | Population Reference Bureau
This study introduces the first set of findings from the Centre for Tax Analysis in Developing. Countries employment income taxes dataset (TaxDev EITD).
Employment income tax in Africa - Findings from a new dataset - ODI
The Economic Development in Africa Report 2016: Debt Dynamics and. Development Finance in Africa, was prepared by a team of UNCTAD contributors,.
Economic Development in Africa Report 2016 | UNCTAD
There are 56 African countries represented in the United Nations. National emission reports to the United Nations Convention Framework on ...
Greenhouse gas emissions and their trends over the last 3 decades ...
the report presents detailed, internationally comparable data on tax and non-tax revenues for 31 african countries. its approach is based on the well- ...
Revenue Statistics in Africa 2022 Statistiques des recettes publiques ...
Africa is among the least diversified regions in the world with regard to exports. Commodities account for more than 60 per cent of total ...
Economic development in Africa 2022 (Overview) - UNCTAD
Similar to what we find in SADC, there is also no trade diversion effect with respect to the rest of the world, while there is TD effect with respect to other ...
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