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leuprolide acetate into microcapsules of polylactic acid or copoly(lactic/glycolic) acid. Chem Pharm. Bull (Tokyo). 36: 1095-1103. O'Hagan DT, Singh M, Ulmer ...
Oberflächenmodifizierung von Mikropartikeln aus Poly(DL ...
The aim of this study was to prepare and characterize FA-PLA and PLGA NPs for potential ocular delivery, evaluating their physico-chemical, ...
Ferulic Acid-Loaded Polymeric Nanoparticles for Potential Ocular ...
Trans-Ferulic acid, Resomer® R 202 H, acid terminated, Mw 10.000?18.000. (PLA), Resomer® RG 752 H, acid terminated, lactide:glycolide 75:25, Mw 4.000?15.000.
Development of nanomedicines for ophthalmic drug delivery
Poly D,L-lactic acid (PLA; Resomer R104, tool. wt. 2000 and R202, tool. wt. 9000) and poly. D,L-lactic/glycolic acid (PLGA, 50:50; Resomer. R503, tool. wt ...
Predicting and exploiting interactions between medicines and the ...
In the final chapter, poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) was developed as a novel microbiome therapeutic. PLGA's interactions with the microbiota were ...
Enzymes' Power for Plastics Degradation - HAL
An important message from this review is that polymer-assimilating enzymes are very likely part of the solution to reaching a circular plastic.
microencapsulation of pharmaceutical compounds
polylactic acid or copoly(lactic/glycolic) acid, Chem. Pharm. Bull. 36 ... PLGA 50:50 was Resomer® RG 503H; PLA was Resomer® R202. No differences could ...
Material Matters - Sigma-Aldrich
Many biomedical polymers with known pro-oxidant degradation products such as polycaprolactone, polylactic acid, or polyglycolic ... Resomer® R 202 S, Poly(d,l- ...