CATEGORY NO: 092/2024 - Kerala Public Service Commission

(2) Physical Qualifications: The minimum height shall be 150 cms. (3) Endurance Test: All candidates should successfully complete an endurance test of running ...

Kerala - The DHS Program
... height, weight, and haemoglobin levels for children; height, weight, waist and hip circumference, haemoglobin levels, and finger-stick blood for additional ...
CATEGORY NO. 544/2023 - Kerala Public Service Commission
112/74/TD Dated 09.09.1974, G.O.(Ms).No.71/78/TD Dated 08.06.1978, G.O.. (P) ... (i) Height ? 160 cm. Height ? 150 cm. (ii) Chest ? 81 cm (normal). Chest ...
???? ???????, ????????????? - CGWB
1.0 INTRODUCTION. During AAP 2020-21, under National Aquifer Mapping Programme (NAQUIM), CGWB. Kerala Region, has taken up Aquifer mapping studies of ...
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? ? - OPAC
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???? ???? ? ? ??????? FINISH TIME
????. ????. ? ?. ???????. FINISH TIME. 1. 4. ?? ??. 1:05:59. 2. 1111. ?? ??. 1:07:41. 3. 1861. ?? ??. NTP. 1:08:07. 4. 11. ?? ??.
????????????????????. 3D-CAD ???????????????????. ???????????????????????.
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???????? 24 ? 26 ??? 3 ??????????????????????????. ?????????????????????????? ...
UACJ Technical Reports Vol.2 No.2?2015???
?UACJ Technical Reports Vol. 2 No. 2????????????????????????????. ????? ????????????????????????? ...
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? ? ? ? ? - WCCBO
????????????????????????????????????????????? ... ?? ???. A???. 1-NI1. ??. 29. 162.6. 59.6. 30. 10710x. 30.
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