Gatekeeping and General Practice in the Australian Health System

Current scholarship on deviance and gatekeeping theory ... Gatekeeping Theory: A theory of individual and institutional media influences that argues, in.

An Integrated Approach to Communication Theory and Research
responses to algorithm-recommended communication also function as (data) input for new ... Traditional communication models such as Shannon and Weaver's Model of.
Media Effects: Advances in Theory and Research, Second Edition
The increasing diversity of actors in modern gatekeeping roles poses chal- lenges to the traditional gatekeeper approach (Wallace, 2017). Some scholars consider ...
Therefore, this communication model remains not very different from the one offered by traditional media, i.e., the Gatekeeper (databases and ranking algorithm) ...
A call for stronger sociological (re)engagement with digital ...
due to the targeted nature of the communication (Valente and Fujimoto, 2010). Through this targeted communication, gatekeepers learned about new ...
Information Behavior
The participatory dimension of the new media environment brought a high new number of practices that allow citizens to easily produce and disseminate content.
The algorithmic persuasion framework in online communication
especially in the area of current theory building in mass communication. ... and a media mangers preoccupation with gate-keeping. The ... Algorithms and Communication
Reproduction or other forms of for profit use or public communication from outside TDX service is not allowed. Presentation of its content in a window or frame ...
Citizens and online media participation:
For those reasons, the current study takes gatekeeping theory, a theory commonly used in mass communication, and translates it to libraries.
The Use of New Media and ICT by Social Movements in ...
Gatekeeping ?refers to the process by which news organizations make decisions as to which of the events taking place or issues being dis- ...
making implicit knowledge explicit in task-based offshoring
For gatekeeping in organizations this model is not recommended ... good model to analyze the utilization and penetration of new media technologies in our.
Are Algorithms a Threat to Democracy? The Rise of Intermediaries
The gatekeeping power of the traditional media still has a huge significance in the media landscape due to its ability to censor information that is capable of ...
The adoption of gatekeeping theory provides a theoretical lens through which mecha- nisms and dynamics of various forms of discrimination can be illuminated.