Speaker, I ask unanimous consent for the immediate consideration of Senate Joint Resolution 263, which I send to the Clerk's desk. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The ...

ALPHABETICAL LIST OF WITNESSES. Aytch, Louis S., superintendent, Philadelphia Count%- Prisons, Phila- ?tl e dolphia, Pa.
Figure 1: Kidney Assist Transport - Instructions for Use
In the United States, outcomes for patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) and earlier stages of chronic kidney disease (CKD) are improving. In.
Multidisciplinary treatment for patients with chronic kidney disease in ...
A template service specification for diabetes and kidney care services that forms part of schedule 2 part 1 ,or section 1 (module B) of the Standard. NHS ...
The climate crisis, sustainable kidney care and us - ResearchGate
A panel of internists and nephrologists developed this practical approach to guide assessment and care of chronic kidney disease by primary care clinicians, ...
Chronic Kidney Disease Disparities: Educational Guide for Primary ...
Financial support for the Peer Kidney Care Initiative is provided by 13 partici- pating dialysis provider organizations: American Renal Associates, Atlantic ...
Commissioning Guide Diabetes and Kidney Care Services - AWS
Some 93% found the platform easy to use, and 82% felt that, when well, monitoring of their kidney condition was better done using a digital health platform with ...
Practical Approach to Detection and Management of Chronic Kidney ...
In. 2010, 20% of all patients starting haemodialysis versus 5% of those starting peritoneal dialysis had no prior nephrology care. [11]. A most ...
Peer Kidney Care Initiative - ESRD Networks
In this issue of Kidney Medicine, Ghazi et al9 explore the association between neighborhood-level SES and quality of. CKD care using electronic ...
Remote monitoring in renal medicine: experience from a 6-month ...
Kidney Check is a comprehensive screen, triage, and treat initiative working to bring preventive kidney care to rural and remote Indigenous communities ...
The French Chronic Kidney Disease-Renal Epidemiology and ...
Clinical research in nephrology is essential to improving diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of these diseases. Despite the significant developments made in ...
nephrology-clinical-research-current-challenges-and-advancements ...
The Kidney Assist Transport is a portable pump system that continuously allows hypothermic pulsatile perfusion of donor kidneys with oxygenated preservation.
Figure 1: Kidney Assist Transport - Instructions for Use
'Transform AKC project looks at the pivotal point in care for patients with advanced kidney disease who are not yet on dialysis. This is an exciting opportunity ...