Gasco Final EIS References
United States Department of the Interior. 2013. Best Management Practices for Reducing Visual Impacts of Renewable Energy Facilities on BLM-Administered. Lands.
CARLSBAD RESOURCE AREA - Regulations.govThis Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) for the Ruby Pipeline Project was prepared by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) in response ... celebrating 50 years with the Bureau of Land ManagementBLM and UDNR are proposing conservation actions to offset habitat degradation to Reserve Zone 3 from the Northern Corridor and the effects from ... Reducing Visual Impacts of Renewable Energy FacilitiesFTR 301-11.12 (a)(4), Department of Interior Temporary Duty Travel Policy 2.2.2. 27 and Department of Interior Financial Management Memorandum 2019-010. 28. Ruby Pipeline Project - Conservation GatewayDEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT. SUNDRY NOTICES AND REPORTS ON WELLS. Do not use this form for proposals to drill or to re-enter an. United States Department of the InteriorThis new Handbook Section provides direction for the documentation of inspections conducted on oil and gas operations and directions on how to. BLM Standards for Fire Business Management 2023We analyzed effects of three land management alternatives on 31 terrestrial vertebrates of conservation concern within the interior Columbia river basin ... 30025398780000_5_WF.pdfUnited States Department of the Interior. Office of Hearings and Appeals. Interior Board of Land Appeals. 801 N. Quincy St, Suite 300. Arlington, VA22203 zo3 ... H-3160-5 (Inspection and Enforcement Documentation and StraBureau of Land Management (BLM) [Dept. of the Interior]. MISSION: To sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of. America's public lands for the use ... Status and trends of habitats of terrestrial vertebrates in relation to ...Abstract. The ?Bureau of Land Management Assessment, Inventory, and Monitoring Strategy for Integrated Renewable. Resources Management? (AIM Strategy) ... nrulpc-wildearth-guardians-v-BLM.pdfThis paper describes the development and codification of the multiple use management philosophy in the Forest Service and BLM, the criticism that has emerged in ... AIM-Monitoring: A Component of the BLM Assessment, Inventory ...U.S. Department of the Interior. 2011. Riparian area management: Multiple indicator monitoring (MIM) of stream channels and streamside vegetation. Technical ... Multiple Indicator Monitoring (MIM) of Stream Channels and ...The Bureau of Land Management is rescinding Communitization Agreement (CA). NMNM139002, which was approved on March 31, 2021. The CA involving 40 acres of ...
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