Secretariat - UN Digital Library - the United Nations

ABSTRACT. This article is a survey of deep learning methods for single and multiple sound source localization, with a focus on sound source localization in ...

Beyond Self-Report: Towards Integrating Behavioral Sensing ...
I first dedicate this thesis to my mother Jutta, and my father Wayne, for your immeasurable love and support my entire life. You had an unparalleled impact ...
Monthly update of scientific references for ANDEX (2021-present)1
Increased drying threatens alpine pond biodiversity more than temperature increase in a changing climate. Linares, J. V. R., and Patiño, F. G. ( ...
Rôle de la Paraoxonase (PON1) dans l'activité anti-inflammatoire de ...
Rôle de la Paraoxonase (PON1) dans l'activité anti-inflammatoire de HDL et sa modulation par la diète. Par. Soumaya Loued. Département de Physiologie.
Microplastic in the Environment: Pattern and Process
There are many global environmental issues that are directly related to varying levels of contamination from both inorganic and organic ...
Defining the functional role of TBK1 using a novel zebrafish model in ...
La sclérose latérale amyotrophique (SLA) est une pathologie caractérisée par une perte progressive des neurones moteurs.
Ce document est le fruit d'un long travail approuvé par le jury de ...
?Etude thermodynamique et structurale de l'adsorption de gaz sur les nanotubes de carbone monoparois?. Thèse, Université de la Méditerranée, AIX-Marseille III ( ...
adsorbents: fundamentals and applications - Free
... (Wilson, 1981). The activation step is crucial for tailoring the pore size distribution. As men- tioned, this step is basically controlled gasification, by ...
Infections virales respiratoires et tissus adipeux blancs
Les infections virales respiratoires demeurent un enjeu majeur de santé publique dans le monde entier. C'est notamment le cas de la grippe, ...
mcnair scholars research journal 2016
That Volume will include a review of Plato and Aristotle, so far as the limits of a general history permit. Plato, in deed, belonging to the period already ...
History of Greece, Volume XI
At bottom, then, Thrasyma- chus argues not as an immoralist like Callicles but as an idealist, and his claims express the outrage of a man disillusioned and ...
Platos Theory Of Art
... read from an interest in great literature, in culture,in understand. Plato is one of thegreat minds of all that his Repiihlic is one of*e great hooks.
Republic - Internet Archive
usages which were allowed by Thucydides or Plato have sometimes received a more Attic impress from the hand of grammarians, or have decayed insensibly into ...