According to the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia, the consumption of chemical complex products. (excluding petrochemicals) in Russia in 2023 ...

Official Journal C 227 E - Lexnet
The anti-exudative effect of dental gel under the conditional name ?Cholident? was studied in comparison with the gel ?Kamistad®? ? a drug with local ...
... under Article 36-3-2 of the Securities Exchange Act in the latest ... Kamistad-Gel N, the public hospitals developed high-volume and ...
Physically and Chemically Modified Cellulose for Drug Delivery - Doria
For example, Kamistad N is an oral gel with 20 mg/g LiHCl concentration and the approximate amount of applied gel on aphtha would contain 2 mg LiHCl (PIL of ...
Dental emergency/pain in children: retrospective study and proposal ...
Medication like Kamistad Gel or Chlorhexidine (CHX) were applied for most of the patients who were diagnosed with severe ulceration or ...
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