Thresholds in Origin of Life Scenarios - HAL

Despite this dynamic and occasionally dramatic history, the Earth has been persistently habitable?and, in fact, inhabited?for roughly 4 billion years.

Earth: Atmospheric Evolution of a Habitable Planet
Abstract Solar radiation and geological processes over the first few million years of Earth's history, followed soon thereafter by the origin of life, ...
Mission to Planet Earth: The First Two Billion Years
1986). Life, as per the panspermic view, is believed to have been introduced to Earth some 4 billion years ago, with an ongoing incidence of microorganisms ...
Separating value functions across time-scales
You can override this with environment variable TD_API_SERVER, which in turn can be overridden via endpoint= argument passed to tdclient.Client.
iotools: I/O Tools for Streaming
Create an iterator for splitting binary or character input into a matrix. Description imstrsplit takes a binary connection or character ...
Generalized Profile-Guided Iterator Recognition - CORE
In some cases iterators cannot be separated from a distinct loop ?payload?. An example of such an unseparable loop is a linear search in a ...
Quickstart Building a template Substitutions - Ninox Community
If we want to keep all rows, and sort them by type in ascendant order, we can add the reserved iterator i . Carbone accepts multiple iterators separated by a ...
Separating value functions across time-scales
Abstract. We present an algorithm that enumerates all the minimal triangulations of a graph in incremental polynomial time.
The Power of Implicit Acyclicity in the Enumeration Complexity of ...
The separable nature of the full TD(?) estimator allows for each component to be learned in a way that is optimal for that part of the overall value function.
Algorithms for Efficient Top-Down Join Enumeration - MADOC
Hence, this thesis focuses on the top-down join enumeration. In the first part, we present two efficient graph-partitioning algorithms suitable for top-down ...
Efficiently enumerating minimal triangulations - Nofar Carmeli
We present an algorithm that enumerates all the minimal triangulations of a graph in incremental polynomial time.
Topic 14 Iterators - UT Computer Science
8Anything that implements the Iterable interface can be used in the for each loop. ArrayList<Integer> list;. //code to create and fill list int total = 0; for( ...
Iterator Facade - Boost C++ Libraries
Our it- erator should be able to make multiple passes over the same linked list (unlike, say, an istream iterator which consumes the stream ...