Beyond Supply and Demand

Jean-Loup Rubino, qui avec Olivier, est à l'origine de ce projet. Sa passion pour la géologie et plus particulièrement la sédimentologie des ...

Architecture du bassin rhodano-provençal miocène (Alpes, SE France)
Climate change has become an important topic on the business agenda with strong pressure being placed on companies to respond and contribute to finding.
International Business and Global Climate Change
The continuing rise in the atmospheric concentration of greenhouse gases, mainly caused by the burning of fossil fuels, is driving changes ...
Geoengineering the climate: science, governance and uncertainty
Hoffert, 1984). Excep tionnellement, des nodules centimétriques se retrouvent dans les marbres chlo- riteux (échantillon B81-118 à l'Est du Lac des Vaches) ...
Géologie des unités de Vanoise septentrionale et méridionale de ...
Climate change has become an important topic on the business agenda with strong pressure being placed on companies to respond and contribute to finding.
Climate Models: An Assessment of Strengths and Limitations - GovInfo
(Martin 1991). This effect is being assessed by both observational programs ... Hoffert, M.I., and C. Covey, 1992: Deriving global climate sensitivity.
Energy and American Society ? Thirteen Myths
Similarly, Marty Hoffert (2006) ? professor emeritus of physics at New York. University ? describes a range of visions for a renewable-energy future.7 One of ...
3. ABSTRACT. This thesis argues that international regimes exist within the international legal order. The use of regime theory.
The Benefits of Climate Change Policies | OECD
In addition to the authors featured here, a number of participants in the. December 2002 Workshop and/or the September 2003 expert meeting have ...
Ocean Disposal/Sequestration of Carbon Dioxide from Fossil Fuel ...
A similar project is under consideration by a consortium involving Exxon and the Indonesian State Oil Company in the Natuna offshore gas field ...
Enregistrement du dernier cycle climatique par ... - Université de Lille
Tout d'abord, un énorme merci à Viviane. Merci de m'avoir accordé ta confiance lorsque tu as accepté que je devienne ton premier thésard. Merci.
testimony - Rutgers University
Martin Hoffert, NYU. 13. Mike MacCracken, USGCRP. Scripps. 14. Bill Fulkerson, JIEE. 15. Jeff Gaffney, ANL. 1. V. Ramanathan, Scripps/UCSD. 16. Normen Miller ...
Strategic Options for Bush Administration Climate Policy
Hoffert, Martin I., Ken Caldeira, Gregory Benford, David R. Criswell ... President and CEO. Colson Associates, Inc. J. Joe Ricketts. Chairman and Founder. TD ...