5 Excess Savings and Twin Deicits: The Transmission of Fiscal ...
This article presents a simple framework to assess the consistency of appropriately defined fiscal deficits with other macroeconomic targets, ...
The Economics of Large Government DeficitsAbstract. We study the effects of debt-financed fiscal transfers in a general equilibrium, heterogeneous-agent model of the world economy. In the long run, ... Inflation and the Financing of Government ExpenditureOur budget deficits at the Federal level were run- ning at about a $150-$200 billion level pretty much from the mid-. 1980's right to the ... ON THE REDISTRIBUTIVE PROPERTY OF BUDGET DEFICITSdeficit? ? The U.S. Treasury considered TARP outlays to be expenditures that increased the deficit, and will consider bank repayments ... ON THE TW?N DEF?C?TS HYPOTHES?S: EV?DENCE FROM TURKEYUnited States current account deficit stood at 6.5 per cent of her Gross Domestic product (GDP) in 2005, which is almost twice of her last highest deficit ... Excess Savings and Twin Deficits: The Transmission of Fiscal ...The difficulties in reducing the budget deficit are related to recession and to insufficient political cooperation between the government and ... Chapter 16: Government Debtpublic opinion contributed significantly to the recent escalation in the federal budget deficit? Section II of the paper provides some theoretical arguments ... us current account deficit: global implications - SSRNThis study provides recent empirical evidence on the impact of the federal budget deficit on the nominal long term mortgage interest rate yield ... Budget-deficit-and-inflation-in-transition ... - World Bank DocumentThis study provides recent empirical evidence on the impact of the federal government budget deficit on the nominal cost of borrowing for ... Recent Evidence on the Impact of Federal Government Budget ...To Solve the Problem? Current laws plus 2011 Budget Control Act would shrink long-run deficits and reduce debt levels relative to GNP after 2013 ... i i h d l i i h d l Bringing The Federal Deficit Under ControlExpansionary fiscal policies include an increase in the budget deficit by lowering taxes or increasing government spending or transfers to. SPECIAL REPORT - TD EconomicsPoliticians have been reluctant to lift spending beyond that warranted by automatic stabilizers ? unemployment and related income support. Budget and trade deficits - linked, both worrisome in the long run ...While the trade deficit does have equilibrating tendencies, as will be discussed later, there are also forces that tend to increase it.
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