a qualitative and quantitative study of - Edinburgh Napier University

A total of 3769 staff from 95 patient units (across six hospitals) took part in the survey. Most nurses (n=2230, 59.2%) worked 12-hour shifts. Others worked 8 ...

The book looks at some of the typical stumbling blocks many of us encounter as we strive to learn how to communicate and interact safely and effectively, and ...
12-hour shifts: Prevalence, views and impact - NHS England
This one-year follow-up study among 1,421 male nurses from seven. European countries tested the validity of the Effort-Reward.
Communication and Interpersonal Skills for Nurses
First, we have a long-standing interest in preparing health professionals for careers in primary care dating back to our 2010 Macy Conference, Who Will Provide.
Effort-reward imbalance and work-home interference
We offer our endless thanks to the many institutions and individuals that are making. RNAO's vision for Nursing Best Practice Guidelines (NBPGs) a reality.
Registered Nurses: Partners in Transforming Primary Care
We conducted a survey at the Peter Munk Cardiac Centre. (PMCC), Toronto General Hospital and Toronto Western. Hospital, University Health Network, Toronto, ...
therapeutic relationships - Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario
The research presented in this thesis was conducted at Care and Public Health. Research Institute (CAPHRI), Department of Health Services ...
Burnout and distress among nurses in a cardiovascular centre of a ...
This study is situated within the everyday practice of nurses around the world, engaged in discourse with colleagues through listserv ...
Work-related stress among health professionals working in Swiss ...
The education of professional nurses must take place in institutions of higher learning with a bachelor of science in nursing degree required for beginning.
Subject: talk.to/reflect - reflection and practice in nurses' computer ...
Résumé Le delirium est défini par un changement brutal ou rapidement progressif de l'état mental ou une modification de l'humeur associés à une baisse des ...
Professional responsibility, nurses, and conscientious objection
Abstract. Conscientious objections (CO) can be disruptive in a variety of ways and may disadvantage patients and colleagues who must step-in to assume care.
Speci®c determinants of intrinsic work motivation, burnout and ...
This study of 156 Dutch general hospital nurses tested a theoretically derived model of speci®c relationships between work stressors and stress reactions. The.
A workplace organisational intervention to improve hospital nurses ...
We will invite physicians and nurses who work in direct patient care in clinical areas targeted by the Magnet intervention and most closely involved in ...