The Future of Research in Computer Games and Virtual World ...

For such a case we provide a new approach that allows the agent to reconstruct a 3D scene from 2D images by learning object embeddings, since ...

How to Train Your Robot. New Environments for Robotic Training ...
We use the standard OpenGL Shading Language, GLSL, to implement our GPU aurora raytracer. Unlike the general-purpose GPU languages CUDA and OpenCL, the ...
Interactive Volume Rendering Aurora on the GPU
Examples include OpenGL, which is not simply a 3D drawing library for programming. Instead, it is an API specification to use GPU hardware and.
Hydra: Loosely Coupling the Graphics Pipeline to Facilitate Digital ...
Atmospheric effects, especially for outdoor scenes in games and other interactive applications, have always been subject to coarse approximations due to the.
Real-time Atmospheric Effects in Games
Python is a versatile language and its rise in popularity is certainly no surprise. Its similarity to everyday language has.
The Complete Manual - ? La Biblioteca ? BPC ?
All of them support rendering points with a size of a single pixel, while OpenGL and WebGL also support rendering points as quads whose size is ...
Interactive Exploration of Point Clouds - reposiTUm
Some companies also have one or more technical directors (TD), whose job it is to oversee one or more projects from a high level, ensuring that the teams are ...
Deep Reinforcement Learning in a 3-D Blockworld Environment
To render an OpenGL image for the LiDO prediction with Blender colour LVs, we adjust the brightness colour of each object and the ground plane.
Vision-As-Inverse-Graphics: Obtaining a Rich 3D Explanation of a ...
The authors consider scenes comprised of ei- ther 2D sprite type objects, or simplified 3D objects (from the Minecraft game) with 12 object types with fixed ...
The ultimate guide to coding with Python - Pegaso Web
Python is an incredibly versatile, expansive language which, due to its similarity to everyday language, is surprisingly easy to learn even for ...
Modulith: A Game Engine Made for Modding - Universität Würzburg
It relies on the glfw library for creating the application window [9] and on the OpenGL API of glad [14]. Dear ImGui is integrated to draw debug ...
Naviguer en vision prothétique simulée - HAL Thèses
d) Le mod Dynamic Light développé pour Minecraft permet de rajouter une touche de réalisme au jeu de départ. Cette habitude de l'utilisation ...
Resume Master Doc - Susan Xie
MINI MINECRAFT ? C++ (OpenGL, GLSL, Qt) ? underwater themed Minecraft. ? built first person physics-based game engine with walking, flying, and swimming.