From state sovereignty to responsibility to protect - HAL Sciences Po

The first exile is the Nakba (or catastrophe), the expulsion of 750- 900,000 Palestinians in 1948. (Takkenberg 1998, 13) to make way for the ...

Challenging Intractable Conflict Through Tourism - DiVA portal
... Nakba continues to recur: ?Kibia Nakba,? ?Samu'a Nakba,? ?the Nakba of 82,? Sabra and Shatila, and others.23 In order to prevent Nakbas of this sort it is ...
Barriers to Peace in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Settler-Humanitarianism: Dispossession, 'Humanitarian Transfer' and the 1948 Nakba. Pietro Stefanini pp. 136?162. Is Chinese IR Scholarship ...
PRIF - Zeitschriften-TOCs 4. Quartal 2024
Government promised it would stop vulture funds bulk-buying family homes from under the noses of ordinary homebuyers.
DÁIL ÉIREANN - Houses of the Oireachtas
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Department of Refugee Affairs Al-Quds Open University
Abstract. The study talks about the forced displacement of the Palestinian people following the Nakba in 1948. Forced displacement is considered ...
Fonder les sciences du territoire - Horizon IRD
D'un objet à la mode, décliné sous toutes les formes, le territoire est aujourd'hui devenu incontournable. Plusieurs des principaux défis auxquels.
Report of the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of ...
Moreover, documents are increasingly being disseminated in Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian and Spanish, in addition to. English. 35 United ...
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