The technology within some DTRA topics is restricted under export control regulations including the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) and the ...

Il devient urgent de secouer l'apathie générale, pour monter des mécanismes de défense. Les Américains sont en train d'acheter la ...
Comment les Etats-Unis contribuent-ils à affaiblir l'économie française
ANNEX A. Ratifications, accessions, subsequent agreements, etc., con- cerning treaties and international agreements registered with the.
Treaty Series
The uS system is clearly based on the view that sales of defence and security services can and should serve its foreign policy interests. Industry and ...
Private Military/Security Companies Operating in Situations of ...
Créé en 2009, l'Institut de recherche stratégique de l'École militaire (IR-. SEM) est un organisme extérieur de la Direction générale des relations.
Industrie de défense japonaise - IRSEM
Le Document d'enregistrement universel a été déposé le 26 avril 2024 auprès de l'AMF, en sa qualité d'autorité compétente au titre du règlement.
ALTEN ? Document d'enregistrement universel 2023
ITAR LICENSE REQUIREMENTS. Once an item is determined to be subject to the ITAR, a license is required unless you can find an applicable license exemption.
NASA Export Control Program Operations Manual
... international military students (IMS) so that they can attend DOD schools. ... International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR). A U.S. government ...
B Glossary of selected terms
102 CHAMBRE DE COMMERCE DU CANADA, « Les International Traffic In Arms Regulations (ITAR) des. États-Unis », Chambre de commerce du Canada [en ligne], 2007,.
Le commerce sensible des biens à double usage
Security Assistance is a group of programs, authorized by law, that allows the transfer of military articles and services to friendly foreign ...
DoD 5105.38-M, October 3, 2003 29 CHAPTER 1
Train a network to find clearances from system states.. Simulate the clearance in an ATC sim.. Model the impact of the clearance as a cost ...
The AI Act and its impact on the aviation sector - EASA
Accordingly, the NASA Export Control Program is devoted to maximizing the benefits of our international efforts, while ensuring that we comply ...
NASA Export Control Program Operations Manual
University risk assessments should focus on areas of campus likely to be performing. ITAR related work, including inventorying equipment located ...