Introducing Rhetorical Parallelism Detection: A New Task with ...

On the other hand, Irony is a figure of speech that uses two different words with an intended meaning (Leech, 1981), for example: a. What a fine friend to ...

Figurative language is a meaning that has a different meaning from the original meaning. Figurative language as comparative language that is ...
Replacement Unit for Grade 7 Analysis of Author's Craft and Theme
The semantic model puts metaphorical meaning in the interaction of the meaning of the words themselves, whereas the pragmatic model contends that it relies on.
Repetition as an Effective Rhetorical Device in Arabic and English ...
Thus, oxymoron is a literary figure of speech in which two words, two terms, two phrases or two ideas of opposite meaning are brought together for special ...
Oxford Dictionary Of Literary Terms ; TD Snyder media ...
the literature, the word 'predicate' gets used in two closely related ways that do not produce co-extensional results unless a special stipulation is made ...
Metaphor and Context - MacSphere
figurative language is a word or group of words used author to exaggerate object with different words that can change meaning of that sentence. It means to ...
specificity of the use of metaphor by old kabylian speakers (70-90 ...
A thesaurus enhances writing by providing synonyms but does not replace a dictionary's crucial function in defining words and providing context. 2. Is a ...
Implicit and Aphonic Reference | Daniel W. Harris
Semantic similarity measurement is a well established field of research whereby two text entities are assigned a score based on the likeness of their meaning.
Is A Thesaurus A Dictionary - World Watch Monitor
appreciation of that wordplay. Jinas. Let us begin by looking at Iqbal's use of the pun, which involves a play on two different meanings of a word ...
Analysis of word co-occurrence in human literature for supporting ...
This study performs a discourse analysis of the grammatical and lexical cohesive devices in Ted. Hughes' poem ?Wodwo.? Cohesion refers to the linguistic ...
Investigatingcohesive devices in Ted Hughes' poem ?Wodwo.? - SSRN
This compilation is a glossary of literary terras. If it is sought to define the exact -sense ...
A dictionary of literary terms - Wikimedia Commons
Figurative language can also be said as language employing expressions or words that contain different meanings from the literal ones (Harya, 2016). Literal ...
Literary Terms & Devices in English for Language Arts - NYU
Puns are a literary device wherein a word is used in a manner to suggest two or more possible meanings. This is generally done to the effect of creating ...