Research Case Study Improve the bug finding ability of TESTAR by ...

Some hacking techniques like SQL injection also use this to find their way into an application. Examples #826 Wrong extranet user generated ...

Legal and Ethical Issues in Digital Policing
Digital developments have a significant impact on crime and therefore on law enforcement practices. One of the profound.
This report is intended to assist national decision-making, for example by indicating the cyber capabilities that make the greatest difference to national power ...
NCSC ? Annual Review 2023
Ransomware remains one of the most acute cyber threats facing the UK, and all domestic organisations should take action to protect themselves from this ...
The International Anti-Botnet Guide was developed to facilitate the mitigation of botnets and other automated, distributed threats through voluntary ...
Transnational Organized Crime in the Pacific: Expansion ...
While trans-Pacific drug trafficking has been a particularly prominent issue, the overall landscape is continually shifting as powerful criminal.
National Cyber Security - Annual Update 2023
These scenarios arise where a threat actor seeks to gain illicit access to a victim's IT system. The threat actor often seeks to extract ...
Tilburg University Cyber defensive capacity and capability - CORE
illegal hacking should be responsible for the consequence of their malicious behaviors? ... hackers), that use software vulnerabilities to penetrate a system. An ...
A Framework to Establish a Threat Intelligence Program
This research followed Design Science Research (DSR) methodology to design and develop a framework which can help organisations defining their. TI requirements ...
Understanding cybercriminal behaviour among young people
In the UK, research conducted by the National Crime Agency indicated that many cyber-offenders start their illicit computer activities at a young age (National ...
A neural mechanism of speed-accuracy tradeoff in macaque area LIP
SWR-responsive LS neurons were more likely to be modulated by running speed than SWR nonresponsive neurons. ... difference (TD) prediction ...
Dopamine Neurons Represent Reward But Not Aversiveness
Speed selectivity was characterized by the maximum response, optimum speed, upper cutoff speed, response to slow movement, and tuning width. Direction ...
mediated myelin plasticity and its role in neural synchronization - eLife
The neuronal representation of time on the sub-second timescale is a fundamental requisite for the perception of time-varying sensory sti- muli, ...