Distributed Synchrony of Spiking Neurons in a Hebbian Cell Assembly

Spontaneous in vivo neuronal firing rates span 4?5 orders of magnitude, from below 0.001 to 50 spikes/s and above. Such heterogeneity is found ...

temporal neurons Speed and direction selectivity of macaque middle
The bottom time axis depicts the neuron's output spikes in the response to the input pattern. (B) Voltage trace (left) and synaptic weights ( ...
Unsigned temporal difference errors in cortical L5 ... - bioRxiv
We discuss how biological parameters such as dwelling times at states, neuronal firing rates and neuromodulation relate to the delay discounting.
Learning Precisely Timed Spikes - Harvard University
Changes to either the spatial or temporal frequency will influence their firing rates. A neuron truly encoding image speed will respond to a particular speed, ...
Learning predictive cognitive maps with spiking neurons during ...
First we have a look at the TD formalism in continuous time. Next, we show how spiking neurons can implement a critic, to represent and learn ...
measuring the visual speed analyzing properties of primate MT ...
We further devised a Q-learning model incorporating belief state inference, which could simultaneously produce phasic and ramping TD error, ...
Reinforcement Learning Using a Continuous Time Actor-Critic ...
After these changes, average firing rate of actor neurons and critic neurons are around. 50Hz and 70Hz respectively, which are in the gamma ...
TD models of reward predictive responses in dopamine neurons
Abstract. This article focuses on recent modeling studies of dopamine neuron activity and their influence on behavior. Activity of midbrain.
TDSTDP - bioRxiv
The total signal received by dopaminergic neurons is always the difference between time t and t - ?DA. DA magnitude is also a form of TD but ...
... Necochea, pág. 4016. L. Proyecto de ley en revisión: suspendien- do por el término de 180 días a partir de la publicación de la presente ley juicios.
Esta Tesis se presenta como parte de los requisitos para optar al grado Académico de Doctor en. Geografía, de la Universidad Nacional del Sur, ...
Disposición 20 Anexo II R~ndición de Cuentas 17vo. Semestre ...
Oficina por la obtención de la licencia de conductor de automotores. Se deberá completar como requisito una declaración jurada y adjuntar copia del recibo ...
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