Conferencia de las Naciones Unidas sobre Comercio y Desarrollo

Este principio debe propender por generar confianza a todos los actores que hacen parte de la infraestructura de datos del estado colombiano y a la sociedad en ...

Documento técnico y hoja de ruta - MinTIC
Principios básicos de la eficiencia administrativa. 1. La transparencia de los procedimientos es la base de la eficiencia administrativa. 27. Promover el ...
Este trabajo analiza la estructura tributaria colombiana desde una perspectiva comparada. El propósito central es evaluar la carga tributaria en Colombia ...
Untitled - Journal of Research in Rehabilitation Sciences
Abstract. Purpose: Forward head posture is one of the most prevalent poor postures that cause neck injuries. The objective of this study was to investigate ...
Electromyography Activity of Selected Muscles during Running in ...
inspiratory volume and cardio-respiratory endurance in boys with hyper-kyphosis. ... Mickleborough TD, Stager JM, Chatham K, Lindley MR, Ionescu AA. Pulmonary ...
The Effect of a Period of Scapular Stabilization Exercises on ...
Newcomer, K.L., T.D. Jacobson, D.A. Gabriel, D.R. Larson, R.H. Brey, and ... Associations between thoracic kyphosis, head posture, and craniofacial ...
State Council of Educational Research and Training SPL DSC-2022 ...
Abstract. Purpose: Changing the movement and position of the scapula is called scapular dyskinesia, which can cause injuries and disorders in athletes and ...
Pesticide Chemistry and Toxicology - ResearchGate
... Kyphosis Conscript Novatech Ltr Gaskins Patriots Wires Cabbages Kato. Caromed ... Td. Stimming Munications Irac Assisi Anemometer Paroles Legally ...
Jundishapur - SID
Association Between Forward Head, Rounded Shoulders, and Increased Thoracic Kyphosis: A ... 43-Silva AG, Punt TD, Sharples P, Vilas-Boas JP, ...
Investigating the Effects of Different Working Postures on Cognitive ...
kyphosis (ICC=0.91). For kyphosis measurement, the person was placed in a standing position, and from the lateral view, the distance between ...
Lorish, T.R., Rizzo, T.D. Jr, Ilstrup, D.M., Scott, S.G. (1992). Injuries in ... significance of kyphosis posture and muscle strength. Osteoporos Int ...
vaccines (DTP, DT, TT or Td) during her lifetime, should have one dose of ... The kyphosis seen in many elderly women is the most obvious consequence ...
Color Atlas of Oral Diseases - Portal Saude Direta
When applied to healthcare interactions, including those concerned with the management of osteoporosis, it can be characterized as ?one-to-one communication in ...