County Primary Owner Name Water Right ID(s)

TD DESERT DEVELOPMENT - RANCHO LA QUINTA CC. G333060, G333061. Riverside ... JENNY D MOORE. A017836. Shasta. JEREMY CUNNINGHAM. S023171. Shasta. JO ANN FAY.

12:25 PM - Singapore Pools
--- $-- Miss Amore. 1:02.88 (23.13) ... T D Stewart, Busuttin Racing, A M & B S Racing ... 58 $6.5 Tycoon Jenny. 1:10.05 (22.96) 6 4 .......1 ...
June 2023 - Litters Registered - DOGS QLD
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. ABERLOUR: Ms L K Dunne 2M 2F. 20/03/2023 CH. SUP.CH. MATMOR. POMP. AND. CEREMONY. (AI). 3100398482 : CH. ABERLOUR PUTTIN.
Quasinormal Modes Of Black Holes, Quasinormal Spectrum And ...
Abbreviations. Program Name. Abbreviation. B.A. in Business Administration. BA-BA. B.A. in Business Administration with a concentration in Accounting and ...
Accessible and interdisciplinary in nature, this volume highlights the connections between media, tourism and place, bringing together the ...
The culture of violence - UNU Collections
Fabrizio Apollonio | Università di Bologna, Italy. John Barbur | City University London, UK. Cristiana Bedoni | Università degli Studi Roma Tre, Italy.
Law and Disorder in the Postcolony | Void Network
and formaI analysis of Gaddis' no els with reference to a bac~ gr6und/of' li ter~ry and' cultural his ory provided by rep;esenta-.
Anglo-American University Course Catalog
This special issue of SpeculationS grew out of the conference. Aesthetics in the 21st Century held in Basel in September 2012, generously funded by the.
Media, Place and Tourism: Worlds of Imagination - PURE.EUR.NL.
Abstract. This dissertation traces ekphrastic and image-textual references to European, African and Caribbean visual memory in.
Colour and Colorimetry Multidisciplinary Contributions
The idea that nature is constructed, not discovered - that truth is made, not found - is the keynote of recent scholarship in the history of science.
vd66w0777.pdf - eScholarship@McGill
she will paint many self-portraits in the nude during her last stay in Paris. Becker in fact felt more and more the limitations that Worpswede imposed on ...
Aesthetics in the 21st Century Speculations V - edoc
Hong Kong held an important geopo liti cal position during the Cold. War years in relations between the two competing Chinese states.
Visual Poetic Memory - DiVA portal
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