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10 Perdue TD, Brody AR. Distribution of transforming growth factor-?1, fibronectin, and smooth muscle actin in asbestos-induced pulmonary fibrosis in rats ...
Decision-making behaviors: weighing ethology, complexity, and ...A particular puzzle has been the observation of task-related activity across the cortex, often with similar response patterns (Allen et al., 2017; Brody and ... evidence accumulation across the dorsal cortex - eLifeBrody CD, Hanks TD. 2016. Neural underpinnings of the evidence accumulator. Curr Opin · Neurobiol 37:149?157. Brunton BW, Botvinick MM, Brody CD ... Neural population dynamics underlying evidence accumulation in ...We prove that there exists a leaf, which is an injective Brody curve in P2, in the lamination of J+ for certain generalized. Hénon mappings (for Brody curves ... Brody curves in complicated sets - NumdamCa2+ Homeostasis in Brody's Disease. A Study in Skeletal Muscle and Cultured Muscle Cells and the Effects of Dantrolene and Verapamil. Ca2+ Homeostasis in Brody's Disease - JCI... TD, Brody CD. 2015. Distinct effects of prefrontal and. 655 parietal cortex inactivations on an accumulation of evidence task in the rat ... Multiple timescales of sensory-evidence accumulation across the ...Brody, C. D. (1997a). Analysis and modeling of spike train correlations in the lateral geniculate nucleus. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Califor- nia ... Correlations Without Synchrony - Center for Neural Science... Brody CD. 2022. Stable choice coding in rat frontal. 1333 orienting fields across model-predicted changes of mind. Nat Commun 13:3235. 1334. Brody CD, Hanks TD. brain regions - pillow lab @ princetonErlich JC, Brunton BW, Duan CA, Hanks TD, Brody CD. 2015. Distinct effects of prefrontal and parietal cortex inactivations on an ... Causal contribution and dynamical encoding in the striatum during ...Gradual accumulation of evidence favoring one or another choice is considered a core component of many different types. Neural underpinnings of the evidence accumulator - Hanks LabRésumé. Cette thèse présente une étude des propriétés des courbes de Brody, dont la plupart est motivée par des questions issues des calculs ... Ghana - Public Documents | The World Bankincreased risk from motorized traffic, and where Positive Protection Devices may offer a higher ... Pay items shall be set up for the cable guiderail (624A per LF) ... Parent Information Book - Find schools, preschools and other services(2) Ensure appropriate hot weather and cold weather protective items (clothing, shelter) are available to Soldiers. (3) Ensure potable (drinking) ...
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