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In re: House Bills 1361 and 1362 - PA General Assembly
Commonwealth also intends to implement conservation measures to create and restore wetland habitat. Commonwealth is proposing a compensatory ...
FBAR Line Item Filing Instructions.pdf - FinCEN
On March 1, 2003, U.S. Customs and Border Protection, or CBP, was born as an agency of the Department of Homeland Security, merging functions of the former.
Publication 4011 (Rev. 10-2024) - IRS
The Legislation Directory - previously called the Chronological Tables of the Statutes - is a searchable annotated guide to legislative changes.
Assessing fitness to drive - Austroads
The survey takes about 7 minutes to complete and is anonymous. Your feedback will help SAMHSA develop future products.
Beyond Traffic 2045 - Department of Transportation
Instructions for filing Form W-2 Copy A information with the Social Security Administration (SSA) via electronic filing using the Specifications for Filing ...
Accelerated Sales Tax Feasibility: Public Input | Mass.gov
A. PURPOSE. This Handbook provides standard operating procedures for the Department of Defense. (DoD) Priority Placement Program (PPP) as ...
Draft Biological Opinion Commonwealth LNG Project
(TD and GSTD) in question and answer form. The difference is not required by legislation and has developed because of a need perceived by the ATO to have ...