2011-030 doc 3 part 4 - National Archives

An experimental scheme is presented for generating low-divergence, ultradense, relativistic, electron-positron beams using 400 GeV/c protons ...

Design of a 10 MeV, 1000 kW average power e-beam accelerator ...
The 2.5-MeV gun of the 5-. MeV injector (ETA) has been completed and has so far delivered 80% of the design current at the desired repetition rate. II About 8kA ...
Summary and Evaluation of the Strategic Defense Initiative Space ...
Thus, as a result of electromagnetic interactions, heavy charged particles lose energy by ionization and excitation of atoms in the absorbing medium. · ...
The initial. SDI program was based on directed energy weapon systems (DEWSs) with space- based lasers, particle beam weapons, rail guns, and other approaches.
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory - eScholarship
A directed energy weapon (DEW) such as a high-energy laser emits energy in an aimed direction without the means of a projectile. It transfers energy to a target ...
Bahman Zohuri Physics of High Energy Lasers (HEL)
The theme for our 2015 con- ference will be The Modern Era of Particle Beam Therapy: Wid- ening the Therapeutic Window for Better Patient Outcomes. As in the ...
Particle Beam Therapy: - AME Publishing Company
The original intent of this technology was to use the pulse to simulate the bursts of radiation from exploding nuclear weapons. Pulsed Power Timeline (over).
WHAT IS PULSED POWER . . . - Sandia National Laboratories
Directed-Energy Weapon: A weapon that kills its target by delivering energy to it at or near the speed of light. Includes lasers and particle beam weapons.
Anti-Satellite Weapons, Countermeasures, and Arms Control
The electron beam, in passing from the cathode gun to an anode, moves through two cavities (or more in some klystrons): the input signal to be amplified ...
Military Laser Technology for Defense
Neutral Particle Beam Weapon . ... 6'T.D. Hayward, et al., Negative Ion Beam Processes, Los. Alamos National Laboratory, report UC-34C ...
High Energy Laser Systems for Short Range Defense
The advantages of the use of high energy laser systems in a counter rocket, artillery and mortar projectile mission are described. The history ...
changing the game: the promise of directed-energy weapons
Particles and water vapor suspended in the atmosphere absorb and scatter various laser wave- lengths. These effects are greatest at sea level and close to water ...
Beam Loss and Accelerator Protection - CERN Document Server
Many particle accelerators operate with very high beam power and very high energy stored in particle beams as well as in magnet systems.