If you know your folio number and access code (located on your tax notice), you may claim your grant online through the City website (www.

Treatment of migraine attacks and prevention of migraine
In January 2021 members of r/wallstreetbets, a subreddit of the Reddit community, massively mobilized to buy stocks of an American video game retailer, ...
Spillover of Antisocial Behavior from Fringe Platforms
This dissertation explores the potential of Reddit, a popular social media platform, as a tool for crowdsourcing for business innovation.
CTH and TD were banned in 2020 for Reddit rule violations, including promoting violence. We collect data between. July 20th, 2016, which is the creation of the ...
The opioid epidemic through the lens of social media: mining digital ...
These studies found that Reddit contains multiple procannabis use communities (called subreddits), which have documented increases in cannabis ...
The European Journal of Psychology Applied to Legal Context
Reddit maintains several popular subreddits to discuss infant formula and neonatal care. The use of Reddit's API can automate the collection of post data ...
Digital Catharsis or Harmful Exposure? A Thematic Analysis of Self ...
Abstract?Childhood Sexual Abuse (CSA) is a menace to society and has long-lasting effects on the mental health of the survivors.
An Evidence-Based Critique of the Cass Review - Yale Law School
WHO Expert Committee on Drug Dependence: forty-fourth report. Geneva: World Health. Organization; 2022 (WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1038).
CCENDU Drug Alert: Xylazine
This bulletin explores the role of, and responses to, these new factors. Moreover, CCENDU has started collaborating more closely with the National Drug Early ...
A case study of Reddit during the GameStop stock crisis
We then applied an inductive coding approach to characterize substance use behaviors, gaming genres, and physical and mental health concerns.
Doctoral Thesis Crowdsourcing for Business Ideas through Reddit
We collected user timelines from the r/TheRedPill (TRP) and r/The_Donald (TD) subreddits and 100 control subreddits corresponding to each of them for our ...
WHO Expert Committee on Drug Dependence - IRIS Home
In this study, we conduct a content analysis of a relatively large subreddit (> 5,000 subscribers) that describes itself as an online community for ?people who ...
CCENDU Bulletin: An Update on Stimulant Use and Related Harms ...
This study analyzed the behavior of buying drugs online among young people in the U.S. and Spain and provided new evidence on using social media ...