In Eurasia, 12 species of Mustela are known: mountain weasel (M. altaica), ermine (M. erminea), steppe polecat (M. eversmanii), Japanese weasel (M. itatsi), ...

Ictonyx libycus, Libyan Striped Weasel - ASCaRIs
Poecilogale albinucha (Gray 1864) African striped weasel. LR/nt R. *. +. +. M. Ictonyx striatus Perry 1810 African striped polecat. LR/nt. +. +. +. +. +. Family ...
Predation by small mammalian carnivores in rural agro-ecosystems
Cathemeral species, for example weasels, marbled polecat, otters, and stink badgers, have intermediate eyeballs (Kirk. 2006). European polecats ...
mink or feral ferrets but the former has a complete brown-black coat, no throat markings and white chin patch, whereas ferrets have a banded face like badgers.
Form and function of the musteloids - LJMU Research Online
Among carnivores, sexual segregation in daily activity rhythms has been found in the sexually dimorphic European polecat, Mustela putorius (Marcelli et al.
Atlas of Mammals in Ireland - National Biodiversity Data Centre
Polecat,. 325. Roan Antelope,. 349. Side-striped Jackal,. 324. White-tailed~ongoose, 331. Wild Dog. 325. Eastern White-bearded Wildebeest, 351. Echimyidae,. 305.
Social organisation of the narrow-striped mongoose (Mungotictis ...
The most common carni- vores were black-backed jackal, Cape fox, striped polecat, honey badger, Egyptian mongoose, gray mongoose, brown hyena, wildcat ...
A Checklist of the Land Mammals Tanganyika Territory Zanzibar ...
Striped polecat 1 Stocking rate 0.729 -0.223 0.029. Bat-eared fox 1 Stocking ... Ascanio, G. H. Adler, T. D. Lambert, and L. Balbas. 2001. Ecological ...
The mammalian fauna associated with an archaic hominin skullcap ...
Striped hyena. Hyaena hyaena Linnaeus, 1758. Striped polecat. Ictonyx striatus Perry, 1810. Two-spotted palm civet. Nandinia binotata Gray, 1830. White-tailed ...
UNIVERSIDADE DE LISBOA - Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária
Polecat, Striped or Zorilla Ictonyx striatus ... Tierney M, Tyrrell TD, Vié J-C, Watson R 2010. Global Biodiversity: indicators of recent declines ...
Terrestrial Carnivores of Namibia - Cheetah Conservation Fund
... striped polecat', and the viola- tion here appears to be a result of reduplication. Apart from this word, and even in other occurrences of reduplication ...
Terrestrial Carnivores of Namibia - ResearchGate
The Near Threatened species are the serval, brown hyaena, Cape clawless otter, spotted-necked otter and African striped weasel. One species is near-endemic to ...
regional red list status of carnivores in the arabian peninsula
Four species were identified as Not Applicable for regional assessment because their occurrence in the Arabian Peninsula was marginal. (Marbled Polecat Vormela ...