Le développement de l'insémination artificielle chez le vison d ...

sequences: New perspectives on phylogenetic status of the back-striped weasel and. American mink. Mammal Study 33(1), 25?33. LI Z., JIANG Q ...

The femur of extinct bunodont otters in Africa (Carnivora, Mustelidae ...
Zorilla or striped polecat. 4. 0.4?1.4. MUNI. Mustela nigripes. Black ... WoldeGabriel, T.D. White, R.L. Bernor, D. Degusta, P. Renne, W ...
Sea Otters occurred in coastal areas from northern Japan, through the Aleutian. Islands, along western North America to central Baja California, Mexico. They ...
Sea-ice Information and Services - Repository OceanBestPractices
There are two breeding sea turtle species in the Mediterranean, loggerhead turtles and green turtles. both species are affected by several ...
Sea Otter Enhydra lutris - Species at risk public registry
Sea surface temperature (SST) is the only variable with a large variety of datasets, and it would be useful to be in the same position for other variables.
Guidelines to standardize methodologies to estimate demographic ...
3) as that is described in more detail in the related Sea Ice report [TD-2] with many of the same principles and uncertainties applying to land ice, as well.
The following sections described how to digitise the paper charts, and identify errors of various kinds, resulting in a time series of sea level that could be ...
The bone industry collections from the Middle and Upper ...
No. 16551. Spain and Poland: Agreement on cultural and scientific co-operation. Signed at Warsaw on 27 May. 1977 .
Recreational sea fishing in Europe in a global context - Archimer
The Baltic/North Sea region is ?the Medi- terranean of the North.? The world created by later medieval Iberian navigators around the islands of the eastern ...
The Mediterranean and ?the New Thalassology? - histoire.ens.fr
In this paper we present a description and evaluation of a pattern-based approach for definition extraction in Spanish specialised texts.
Description and Evaluation of a Definition Extraction System for ...
The at-sea mortality areas of stranded common dolphins with bycatch evidence were predicted using reverse drift modelling (Peltier et al., 2016; ...
Can modelling the drift of bycaught dolphin stranded ... - CEBC
This 48-hour course in English (24 2-hour sessions (12 in S1 and 12 in S2) offers an introduction to the history and analysis of the main ...
Plaq. Bioclim D10-12 - Andra
Work packages 2 and 3 will develop two innovative and complementary strategies for representing time series of long term climate change using different methods ...