Microservice-Based Middleware for a Digital Twin of Equipment ...

The API gateway needs the discovery server to know the addresses of the microservices to transmit the re- quested data then. We therefore implemented a client- ...

Contributions for Advanced Service Discovery in Ad hoc Networks
It can be seen as an API gateway harmonized with a broker service, that provides description of the Gatekeeper things with Things Description (TD) as described ...
D4.2 Thing Management System - Gatekeeper Project
The API gateway can query the registry to find a running instance of service E that the client requires. The service discovery method exemplified before is ...
Managing Architectural Technical Debt in Microservices - UiO - DUO
In this paper, semantic annotation of services is supported through ontologies defined for API definition languages such as Swagger and. RAML. We leverage the ...
Evolve the Monolith to Microservices with Java and Node
Note that API Gateway is not a mandatory requirement for a microservices architecture. It is beneficial, however, to have API Gateway to handle different API ...
Next-Generation, Data Centric and End-to-End IoT Architecture ...
Also the platform architecture use microservices for the IoT device configuration, service discovery, notification service, monitoring, and identity management.
A Systematic Mapping of Microservice Patterns
On the other hand, splitting domains can lead to an excess in microservices, creating integration and service discovery issues, thus, affecting.
Service Discovery Gateway Deployment Guide, Cisco IOS-XE ...
This guide introduces release 3.3 deployment guide for the Cisco Converged Access CT5760 and Cat3850 products. This guide is designed to ...
Service discovery Pattern. Hybrid patterns. We can also combine the API gateway and service registry using a message bus instead of the API gateway.
Data-driven Management Solution for Microservice-based Deep ...
Accordingly, we propose a data-driven service discovery framework based on data-centric service de- scriptions and rely on a Peer-to-Peer data- ...
A highly regarded executive and personal coach with more than 30 years of experience in working with church leaders, and staffs to build.
The National Baptist Convention: - Northwestern Sociology
episcopal and Petrine authority. Both books are controversial, in the sense that they proceed by contrast with other, mainly Anglican, views of the Church's ...
Journal of the 74th General Convention of the Episcopal Church
My prayer is that this pastqr will see the error of his way and prove himself a leader among Baptist forces. ... Baptist in all history. ... w»ui«td, iKr-reBchtuK t ...