Understanding, Detecting and Localizing Partial Failures in Large ...

Abstract?Retroscope is a comprehensive lightweight distributed monitoring tool that enables users to query and reconstruct past.

Open Source Software Used in Cisco Crosswork Data Gateway 5.0.0
Therefore, for the failure of a Storm application, the important concept to consider is the failure of the cluster of. Zookeeper nodes, rather than the failure ...
Hortonworks Data Platform - Release Notes
We conducted a case study across 78K commits of 33 Java projects from the Apache Software Foundation Ecosystem to investigate the distribution of 1.4M TD items.
Extensible Distributed Coordination
Apache Pig is a platform for analyzing large data sets that consists of a high-level language for expressing data analysis programs, coupled with infrastructure ...
Quantitative Analysis of Apache Storm Applications: The NewsAsset ...
To achieve communication between the operators, systems specially designed for this type of task are used, such as Apache ZooKeeper [Hun+10].
On the Diffuseness of Code Technical Debt in Java Projects of the ...
This is a distributed stream processing solution, which uses Apache. Zookeeper [24] for clusters management. The architecture of the S4 envi- ronment is ...
How to estimate and measure ?the Cloud? .
Apache Zookeeper coordination service. By partitioning the tree, ZooFence reduces contention and leverages the locality of operations. Both effects ...
Dynamic adaptation in Stream Processing Systems
Companies such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Netflix, Twitter, Yahoo!, and many others, use Zookeeper to track failures and configuration changes of distributed ...
Master Thesis - UPCommons
? Zookeeper : Kafka travaille de concert avec Apache ZooKeeper qui est un logiciel de gestion de configuration pour des systèmes distribués ...
Dynamic Reconfiguration of Primary/Backup Clusters - USENIX
Take the ZooKeeper ephemeral znode as an example: (1) ZK-1208 is caused by a race condition: when. ZooKeeper is handling the close session request, it deletes.
Hortonworks Data Platform - Teradata Connector User Guide
It describes the main components used in searches, including request handlers, query parsers, and response writers. ... ZooKeeper cluster ...
Apache Solr Reference Guide: For Solr 7.3
Apache Zookeeper [11], a replicated file-system like hierarchical namespace, is a highly available, distributed service to provide system coordination. It is ...
Dynamic Reconfiguration of Primary/Backup Clusters ... - USENIX
Leading coordination services: ? Chubby: Google. ? Apache Zookeeper: ? Yahoo!, Linkedin, Twitter, Facebook, VMWare, UBS, ...