global phylogeography of a cryptic copepod species complex and ...

Illustration of the involvement of chemical cues during the three main activities in the life of a copepod: foraging, survival and reproduction.

ICES Zooplankton Status Report 2006/2007
In this study, we compared seasonal changes of the community structures of dominant large copepods collected with time-series sedi- ment traps ...
Diversity, ecology and evolution of groundwater copepods
Here we quantify the realised niches of 88 copepod species measured by the Continuous Plankton. Recorder (CPR) in the North Atlantic and ...
Environment Canada
The main task of this undertaking was to determine all the elements of food balance in tropical copepods from a typical ocean community having a stable ...
The chemical ecology of copepods - DTU Orbit
enzyme activity in marine copepods: influence of food concentration and copepod species. ... TD, 2014. Increased temperature variation poses a greater risk ...
Regional comparison of seasonal changes on copepod community ...
... T. D. (1990). The physical strength of marine snow and its implications for particle disaggregation in the ocean. Limnology and Oceanography ...
Traits structure copepod niches in the North Atlantic and Southern ...
Northern cod begin spawning in March in most stock management zones around Newfoundland, Canada. Flrst-feeding cod larvae survlve in waters less ...
lagoon (Canada) has demonstrated that large-sized heterotrophic ... O'Brien, T.D. (2005) COPEPOD: A global plankton database. US Dep ...
canicule dans l'arctique : le réchauffement - UQAR
Cette etude a ete realisee afin de completer l 'inventaire du zooplancton commence par Whiteaves (1901), Scott (1907) et Staf-.
Étude des interactions Diatomées/copépodes sur l'export de ... - HAL
... Td = Tortanus discaudatus, La = Labidocera aestiva-, F, Cf = Calanus ... Notes on the distribution of free-living Copepoda in Canadian wa ters. Contr ...
Ecologie du Copépode Calanoïde Paracartia grani - Archimer
Les copépodes sont au c?ur des flux de matière et d'énergie dans les réseaux trophiques arctiques et subarctiques. La structure et les fonctions des ...
Prédation intraguilde dans les communautés de copépodes ...
Avant-propos. La présente série documente les fondements scientifiques des évaluations des ressources et des écosystèmes aquatiques du Canada.
Description de la répartition saisonnière et spatiale des proies du ...
Conference on Copepoda, Ottawa, Canada, 13-17. August, 1984. Syllogeus 58:300-302, Tab. 1. Holmes, J.M.C. & R.V. Gotto. 1987. Some ascidicolous copepods new ...