Genetic and molecular pathogenesis of primary open angle ...

Optic atrophy causing central visual loss is the dominant feature of mitochondrial DNA diseases. Nystagmus is also encountered in mitochondrial disease.

MUTATE: A Human Genetic Atlas of Multi-organ AI - medRxiv
The process of aging involves genetic factors such as pro- grammed, controlled cell death [9], internal factors associ- ated with hormonal regulation disorders, ...
Relative Contribution of Intrinsic vs Extrinsic Factors to Skin Aging as ...
2 Two genodermatoses are associ- ated with dermatochalasis. One is cutis laxa, a disease caused by mutations in the elastin or fibulin genes ...
The (Post-)Coloniality of the Sudan ? South Sudan border
This Survey will provide data on languages and dialects in Sudan necessary for the formulation and implementation of realistic and efficient policies regarding ...
Sudan Studies - Coventry University
Whoever is brought up or is resident; in the Sudan for several years shall have the right to nationality as regulated by ... jurisdiction to consider and adjudge ...
forest plantations and woodlots in sudan | sifi
?Thus, oil, which led to intensified violence in the Sudanese civil war, and invited the intervention of multinational oil companies, may now produce a.
Sudan Millennium Development Goals Progress Report 2010
South Sudanese refugees flee to East Darfur mainly to access humanitarian services. Currently, the refugees live in two camps (Al Nimir and Kario refugee camps) ...
Sudan Country Case Study Report - United Nations Population Fund
The Southern Sudanese struggle, mainly its first round in 1955-1972, often termed the First Sudanese Civil War, marked the beginning of a new episode in post- ...
Country code glossary - European Union Agency for Asylum
- UNICEF procured and delivered 420,000 doses of measles vaccine, 380,000 doses of Td vaccine, 1,300,000 doses of bOPV vaccine. ... WHO Sudan ...
?Can Economic Incentives Tame Jihad? Lessons from Sudan and ...
Those interested in accessing the Sudan Data Base should contact the Eastern Africa Region,. Division 2B, for details. This document has a restrictd ...
East Darfur.pdf - Khartoum - Unicef
... country of Sudan. This phase included a ?Water balance analysis? (Outcome 1) and a ?Water issues' analysis? (Outcome 2) in aims to analyze the current ...
The current population of Sudan is 43,665,870, with a growth rate of 2.4% as of 2019, based on Bank and of the latest United Nations data. About 35% of the ...
Sudan - World Bank Documents and Reports
The Second National Communication presents background information about the country, its ecology, natural systems, economy, resources and the performance of ...