Empowering Women at Work - International Labour Organization

Sex differences exist in presentation charac- teristics, medical management, and burden of coronary artery disease among individuals ?75 years of age presenting ...

Sex for Rent' ' - National Women's Council
There are limited data about the specific characteristics of older women with HIV or whether they have special needs, but aging will be an issue ...
Motivations of women who pay for sexual services
Pour arriver à la réalisation des Objectifs du Millénaire pour le Développement signés par tous les Etats membres au regard de ses objectifs 4 et 5 (réduire.
Sex Differences in People Aging With HIV - NATAP
Equality between women and men is a fundamental value of the. EU and EIGE's task is to make this a reality in Europe and beyond. This includes becoming a ...
Santé Sexuelle et Reproductive - BVS Perinatal
This article explores the convergence of sexual medicine and anti-aging medicine as they have refashioned standards of sexual functionality and ...
Gender Equality Index 2020 - Digitalisation and the future of work
Early and locally advanced breast cancer: diagnosis and management | Guid- ance | NICE. NICE; 2018. C. Martin, A. Shrestha, J. Morgan et al. Journal of ...
Treatment choices for older women with primary operable breast ...
Although many older adults reportedly maintain an active sex life, limited research has focused on the reasons they engage in sex.
Why Do Older Adults Have Sex? Approach and Avoidance Sexual ...
Laboratory and point-of-care diagnostic testing for sexually transmitted infections, including HIV/Magnus Unemo,. Michelle Cole, David Lewis, Francis Ndowa, ...
Laboratory and point-of-care diagnostic testing for sexually ...
This chapter includes essays on the disproportionate impact dementia will have on women, osteoporosis, breast cancer, cardiovascular disease, constipation, all ...
Has the Sisterhood forgotten older women?
The most common sexual difficulties reported by women across the perimenopause include dyspareunia, diminished desire, arousal capacity and difficulty in ...
Thunder Bay Autosport Club 2025 Ice Racing Regulations
HU TD Motorsport. Lada 2101. + 123,310. E1-1600. 25.768. 07.999 25.611. 40. 08.025. 3:48.257 (42./1.) 3:43.485 (41./1.) 7:31.742 (1.) Darek ...
Mátra Berg - timing.sk
TD: Technical Delegate for the Series appointed by Motorsport Australia. Team Manager: Authorised representative of the Competitor other than the Driver.
2024 Trico Trans Am Series Sporting and Technical Regulations
300 Td Turbo 4matic août-87. 2317. W124 d30 A om 603.963 L6/143. 300 d ... vaut d'être invité à la prestigieuse remise des Autosport Awards,.