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To model the variability of utterances, the tangent distance (TD) [1,2] and the image distortion model. (IDM) [3, 4] can be used to account for global and ...

A Procedure for the Design of Complex Distortion Screen Patterns ...
This paper describes a fast method of correcting for optical distortion in head-mounted displays (HMDs). Since the distorted display surface in an HMD is ...
Combination of Tangent Distance and an Image Distortion Model for ...
This publication describes techniques and processes for correcting distortion in an image in order to improve object detection by an object ...
The Tablighi Jama'at in Southeast Asia - OAPEN Library
My feet stuck to the cool floor a little. I went over to the washbowl, cupped water in my hands and splashed it on my face and over my hair, before getting.
Criminal Profiling - ResearchGate
Silvicultural research has been a dynamic force in southern forestry for decades,. ~t the present there is a large group of federal, state, university and ...
Non-State armed groups - International Review of the Red Cross
This Situation Analysis of Children in BARMM is a UNICEF contribution to knowledge on the situation of children in the Philippines. It follows the recent ...
Country Reports on Terrorism 2013 - 2009?2017
This paper provides a thorough examination of the root causes of the MILF conflict. It shows that the Muslims in the southern Philippines have been subjected to ...
George Sandifer-Smith The Stone Bell (Creative Writing Project ...
of men than this place has, make up the bird can not boast of. It is nearly as reason for our being outstripped in the large as the bald eagle, and has four.
nnial Southern Research rence
competition among young women, gay men and women, transgenders, the elderly, and others. Each locality has its own beauty queen who reigns for one year. The.
Situation Analysis: Children in Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in ...
father interaction and skill in dealing with infants are described. The second panel concentrated on military families and paternal.
The Head Side of the Coin: A Smarter Way to Fight the Moro ... - DTIC
Original copies in printed paper covers are filmed beginning with the front cover and ending on the last page with a printed or illustrated impres-.
Lipstick tales: Beauty and precarity in a southern Philippine boomtown
The Senate met at 11 o'clock a.m., and was called to order by the President pro tempo re. The Chaplain, Rev. Frederick Brown.
AVAILABLE FROM Paterr 1 Absence and Fathers' Roles. Hearing ...
Change of Address: Notice should be given in advance. Include previous address as well as new. along with registration number, in a.