Individual differences in the treatment of psychopathic offenders

Salekin, R. T., Rogers, R., Ustad, K. L., & Sewell, K. W. (1998). Psychopathy and recidivism among female inmates. Law and Human Behavior, 22(1), 109?128 ...

Assistant Commissioner (Direct)
- Problems of Incorporating Change. - Techniques of Managing Change. V. Information Sources & Services. 1. Reference and information sources. - Documentary ...
Selected Subjects - GovInfo
Ida Ustad, Office of GSA Acquisition. Policy and Regulations ... documentary denies the documentary exemption under section 315(a)(3 ...
Adrain Alan Brockett PhD Thesis - St Andrews Research Repository
ABOVE ALL I WOULD LIKE TO THANK my wife Susan for her help in so many ways throughout the writing of this thesis. I would also like to thank.
From Media Hype to Twitter Storm - University Press Library Open
... Ustad Figenschou (2014). 'Human-interest fatigue: Audience evaluations of a massive emotional story'.International Journal of Communica- tion, 8: 1944-1963 ...
World Bank Document
The project was the eighth in a series financed by IDA and designed to raise educational and skill standards in Pakistan, but only the second ...
Federal Courts Reports | Recueil des décisions des Cours fédérales
documentary evidence. They contend that her opinion is circumscribed by her lack of expertise in the subject matter at issue in this case. In that regard ...
emcdda-methamphetamine-in-Afghanistan-report.pdf - EUDA
This paper provides an analysis of the available data that suggest that a methamphetamine industry is rapidly being established in Afghanistan.
Sangeet Natak Akademi Awards 2022-23
Shri Shankar Sastry has also worked on a Documentary film ? Dhwaja. Vandanam on 75 year of Indian Independence. He has conducted many ...
where faith meets art issue 4 / resistance / september 2024 - Overtly Lit
For every Muslim martyr, ten Christians fell to the ingenious weapons of Ustad Suleimán, but the. Castilians kept coming, fiercer and more numerous than ants.
Calligraphers and painters - National Museum of Asian Art
... documentary studies of this particular epoch are in many cases inadequate. It is possible that some newly discovered sources, or even a more systematic ...
newslette r - Arnold Bake Society
Sa'di himself chooses a more humorous way of alluding to the fictitious nature of his anecdotes in the first chapter of the Gulistan, where the traveler ...
L'imam guerrier, 'Izz al-D??n al-Qass?m - DUMAS
Al Jazeera Documentary, 'Izz al-D?n al-Qass?m?, 2015, op. cit ... t-d?r al-Daqq?q, Damas, 2014.676. ??R?N?, Akram, Mud?akkir?t Akram ...