Sources of Bias in Studies among Infertility Clients - Utrecht University

Cigarette paper, whether or not cut to size or in the form of booklets or ... trousers, bib and brace overalls, breeches and shorts. (other than swim ...

1 Live Animals CHAPTER ? 2 Meat and Edible Meat Offal CHAPTER
Bonilla TD, Nowosielski K, Cuvelier M, Hartz A, Green M, Esiobu N, et al ... Cigarette butts frequently dominate the plastics category (e.g. Laglbauer ...
... cigarette cases, cigarette boxes and containers, and cigarette and cigar holders, none being of precious metal or coated therewith. 34 ...
Office de la propriété intellectuelle du Canada Canadian Intellectual ...
This note which updates COM.TD/LLDC/W/11 is in two parts. In the first part (Annex 1) data on trade flows and applicable tariffs at the.
COM.TD/LLDC/W/16 - World Trade Organization
(x). Trousers Front Shins ? 620 M/Sec or better. To be checked physically by BOO by relevant test certificates. (xi). Rear Trousers- 325 M/s. ... plugging into a ...
GSP Handbook European Union Main Text - UNCTAD
? He only remembers soldiers puffing out cigarette smoke ? ?some of them ... Cuffed trousers and work pants tucked into clumsy boots with foot wrapping ...
24 november 2004 ? Vol. 51, No. 2613
This handbook is published under the auspices of the UNCTAD Technical Cooperation Project on Market Access, Trade Laws and Preferences (INT/97/A06).
BOPI 03MQ/2017 - OAPI
WARES: Clothing namely, trousers, skirts, coats, jackets, greatcoats ... cases, cigarette boxes, tobacco pouches, gavels, tankards, pipe.
Bureau of Customs and Border Protection
trousers; outerclothing; vests; coats; skirts; singlets; pullovers ... cigarette filters, tobacco tins, cigarette cases, ashtrays, pipes, pocket ...
Tariff Schedules of the U.S. Annotated (1963) Supplement 3
'' The duty rate will be 16% ad valorem. The applicable subheading for the scrub pants, Item N0. 78834 will be. 6204.63.3510, Harmonized Tariff schedule of the ...
International Classification for Industrial Designs - WIPO
... Tobacco, cigars and cigarettes. 27-02 Pipes, cipr and cigarette holden. 27-03 Aslatrays. 27-04 Matdles. 27-0S Uglden. 27-06 Cipr cws, cigarette cws, tobacco jan ...
World Bank Document
Casual Trousers or Slacks feature these construction details: stitched ... Marlboro cigarette smuggling affair, 60 n .6. Martinez Roba, Manuel, 61 n.8.
3 2 1 * 5 5 2 9 0 1 * - Bosch Home
G Business. Suitable for refreshing suits, jackets and trousers, or dry-clean items that cannot be washed in the washing machine a see the care label. The ...